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Mechatronik days Karlsruhe 2008:

Mechatronik Tage Karlsruhe 2008:
Mechatronik Tage Karlsruhe 2008:
- 250 came to the Mechatronik conference accompanying trade fair with 25 exhibitors and job exchange interested in studying and engineer highlight and trend of the Mechatronik took place day for the first time the Mechatronik days � international conference and trade fair � of 15. until 16 September 2008 in the congress center Karlsruhe. 250 interested informed in 38 lectures on current and future developments of the Mechatronik and micro-system technology. " We are very content with the process of the Mechatronik days. Good co-operation with our partners, particularly with Mr. professor Fritz Neff of the university Karlsruhe � technology and economics, brought being entitled success to this meeting. The active interest shows that this topic at the location Karlsruhe is well settled and is continued to develop kann" , Klaus Hoffmann, Gesch�ftsf�hrer explains Karlsruhe measurement and congress GmbH to that. " We stand with Volker Schiek and its authority network Mechatronik German Federal Armed Forces in close connection and support each other with our meetings mutually. For 2010 we are sch�rfen" thematically more clearly the Mechatronik days from the meetings of the authority network to distinguish and their profile; , professor Fritz J. Neff, scientific director/conductor of the Mechatronik adds days and directors/conductors of the laboratory for Mikromechatronik and hybrid-integrated film circuits (LMHS) at the university Karlsruhe � technology and economics, in addition. Already with the opening of the Mechatronik days Dr. Volker Saile, University of Karlsruhe, Bernd Bechtold, president of the IHK Karlsruhe, G�nther Le�nerkraus, Ministerialdirigent, Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wuerttemberg, as well as professor E.h. Werner Vogt, Bosch and Siemens domestic appliances GmbH, the meaning of the Mechatronik from technical view, in addition, regarding the use for the society and the region put out professor. " In my eyes the Mechatronik is days a meeting very much succeeded. There were one moves exchange between the renowned exhibitors and the interested one over topics like the meaning of the Mechatronik and micro-system technology for our industry particularly in Baden-Wuerttemberg, over development tendencies and production development as well as over training possibilities. On the part of the universities we put large value on it, geben" a comprehensive picture for the theory and research in our area until to Freiburg and Stuttgart too; , professor describes Dr. Volker Saile, University of Karlsruhe (TH). Accompanying trade fair with 25 exhibitors and job exchange for studying and engineers. In the accompanying trade fair 25 exhibitors were represented, among them considerable enterprises, universities and research establishments such as Carl Zeiss, Bosch and Siemens domestic appliances, FESTO, Nikon, the Karlsruhe institutes OF Technology (KIT), the University of Karlsruhe and the university Karlsruhe � research and economics. Goals of the exhibitors were the presentation of their innovative products and services as well as the Recruiting of specialists. They were convinced of the combination of the specialized lectures with the presentation of the current developments of research and industry in the Fachmesse." I am impressive by the supraregional charisma of the Mechatronik days. With them an innovative, future-oriented topic is occupied in Karlsruhe. We welcome this meeting much, since we care for small and medium-size enterprises, which take off only a small technology part with AEN. Since in the industry systems and not individual technologies are in demand, these enterprises must in the future strengthen partnerships to be received, in order to fulfill and at the market to exist be able these expectations. The Mechatronik days offers for this the suitable Plattform" , so Uwe Timrott, promotion of economy development Karlsruhe and automotive engineering network southwest (AEN). The job exchange of the Mechatronik days offered studying and job seeker engineers the possibility of attaching with the issuing enterprises contact. " We had young people at the conditions, high-motivated here, which showed a very large interest in our enterprise. We are sure that we in the Nachfeld of the Mechatronik days some qualified applications received werden" , explains Ursula Speichler, Personalreferentin of BSH Bosch and Siemens domestic appliances GmbH. Highlights and trends of the Mechatronik the humanoide robot, that by Dipl. is day particularly pointing the way - engineer Markus Fritsch, Institut for production development Karlsruhe (IPEK) of the University of Karlsruhe (TH), was introduced. In its presentation clear, which expenditure is to be operated to be able to then use in order to teach to a machine manlike 3 courses of action, in order it became as a safe aide in the household, within the medical range and in the senior support. A further central topic of the Mechatronik is the medical technology. In several lectures systems to the analysis of liquids and gases and further possibilities of fighting diseases presented. Here is to be counted owing to the progress in the research and development on a large enrichment in the sector of the medical-technical instruments and mechanisms up to implants. The next Mechatronik days will take place from 9 to 10 February 2010 in the congress center Karlsruhe.�

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