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Mechatronik days Karlsruhe 2008:

High complexes mechatronische systems are not to be excluded in the medical technology and its anverwandten ranges any longer. They accelerate diagnoses, lead to a more efficient disease control and minimize the extents of operational interferences. As if well-known sample applications in the Life Sciences are micro-fluid analysis systems, e.g. To capillary electrophoresis, and in the medicine as well as bioengineering endoscope-based operation systems and Stentsysteme miniaturized lab on chip systems to call. In the context of the Mechatronik days of 15. until 16 September 2008 in the congress center Karlsruhe a special medicine-technical session is concerned on the basis selected lectures with the potential of the bio micro-system technology, i.e. the employment of micro-technically based systems in the Life Sciences, the medicine and the bioengineering. PD Dr. Andreas Guber, research center Karlsruhe, presents the most important topics of the bio micro-system technology in an introduction lecture, which are enough thematically of the biological materials over bio sensor system, tissue engineering (� fabric breeding �) to the minimum invasiven diagnostics and therapy in the surgery. These are deepened afterwards in individual specialized lectures. Micro-system technology for medicine products � fast pain-free diagnosis and efficient to medicine-supply-the life sciences develop as the most important area of application of the micro nano-technology. In the future a much larger number of medicines for a smaller number of patients will be used with the advantage of a very specific high effectiveness; this succeeds to the illness with an exact diagnosis and localization as well as with a classification of the patient, in order to secure a high effectiveness of the medicine and exclude dangerous side effects. Micro nano-technology assigned for the development of new Pharmawirkstoffe, new medicine supply systems as well as to the fast pain-free diagnosis. With today already available biological chips blood or other body fluids fast diagnoses can be accomplished locally (POINT OF Care) with smallest quantities. With the micro spectrometer of Boehringer Ingelheim micro parts can be determined today with Bilirubin the first blood value contactlessly with optical spectroscopy. As example of a new medicine supply system, which was only made possible by the micro-system technology, Dr. of pure Wechsung, Boehringer Ingelheim leads micro parts GmbH, which propulsion gas-free atomizers Respimat on, which is used for the treatment of breath way illnesses. Present research project in all world with nano-particles as medicine carriers have to the goal, herd of disease like e.g. Cancer locally limits to treat, without damaging healthy fabric of the environment. In this area the first clinical tests run, so that in some years on a genuine break-through in the cancer therapy one counts. Employment of form-memory and superelastic alloys in the medical technology alloys, those, like e.g. , After a reversible lattice transformation (martensitic transformation) its geometrical form to change one knows, calls nickel titanium (NiTi) form memory alloys. One differs between the thermal form memory effect, an alloy, below a certain temperature apparently vividly to be deformed can and with following warming up their origin form reminded, and the mechanical form memory effect, an alloy, which exhibits a high apparently flexible ductility after influencing an outside tension. The excellent biocompatibility, buckling safety, tension Konstanz and MRI compatibility contributed to the fact that NiTi became a material any longer which can not be excluded for the medical technology. Up-to-date the alloy is used with instruments for the neurosurgery, container surgery and heart surgery. Bernd bird, ENDOSMART GmbH, describes developments within the range of the medical technology, which are based on the characteristics of the NiTi alloy. Stentsysteme � innovative technologies and future AnwendungenStents are filigrane, cylindrical, usually made of metals manufactured micro precision implants, with structures usually latticed, to the expansion with container narrowings. Due to their minimum operation risk these micromechanical construction units register a large success. The continuous trend to the miniaturization in connection with minimalinvasiven application techniques, is in macro and to mikromechatronischen solutions during the actual development and production process of these implants: A multiplicity at biomedical requirements, e.g. regarding operational principles, system components, security and biocompatibility are to be integrated in the final product. Innovative concepts for progressive Stentsysteme become exemplarily on koronaren and peripheral Stents, filter systems, heart-internal sealing systems (PFO) and heart flap systems (PAV) characterizes. Apart from engineer-technical product development methods describes Gerd Siekmeyer, Admedes Schuessler GmbH, which complexity and conversion strategy to the realization of medical Ultrapr�zisionsimplantaten, which result from the balance between different clinical, Design-technical and production-determined necessities and/or permission regulations. New and innovative textile technologies, from polymereren Monooder multi-filament fibers, which the clinical applications pure metallic Stentsysteme extend, are usually described briefly and their future application potential, as e.g. with Stentsystemen for a abdominales Aortenaneurysma (AAA) is represented. Mikromechatroni trends and developments of Stentsystemen (e.g. at metallic, biodegradierbaren or polymere Stentsystemen) are presented. New medical areas of application for micro Stentsysteme within the neural range round this lecture off. � tissue engineering � � production of functional artificial fabrics for applications into LebenswissenschaftenDie ability of the human body fabric or organ functions to regenerate decreases with increasing age. This leads to illnesses, which can be so far often only symptomatically treated. The comparatively recent science discipline � tissue engineering � (fabric breeding) sat down to the goal of producing functional fabrics as biological replacement. This happens by living cells, which are cultivated in particularly bioreactors developed in addition. Such artificial and long-term-stable functional fabric can be extraordinarily useful except in a clinical application as human fabrics also in the biological basic research, the toxicology or the Pharmaentwicklung. After a short introduction to this interdisciplinary field Dr. - engineer Giselbrecht, research center Karlsruhe, material and engineer-scientific aspects tissue the engineering, will preferably present in his lecture. By the miniaturization of construction units and the integration of micro-technically manufactured components and subsystems the further optimization of available Ger�tschaften as well as realization of completely new systems succeed. From there further new technical innovations in the areas specified above are to be expected by the consistent employment of the bio micro-system technology in the future, which benefit the relevant industry and/or the research and development areas which are connected with it.

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