Mechatronik days Karlsruhe 2008 � 15. /16.09.08
Whether in medical technology, vehicle safety, not to exclude analysis technology or robotics � high-complex mechatronische systems are in many working processes and products any longer. By the connection of the Mechatronik with other specialist areas such as medicine, biology or chemistry product developers can pursue completely new solution methods. There are which developments at present in the Mechatronik and how various and efficient its application can be, the Mechatronik shows all this days � international conference and trade fair. The Mechatronik days takes place from 15. until 16 September 2008 in the congress center Karlsruhe. The conference program is present now. Like already in the previous years, professor Fritz J. carries. Neff, director/conductor of the laboratory for Mikromechatronik and hybrid-integrated film circuits of the faculty for mechanical engineering and Mechatronik of the university Karlsruhe � technology and economics, the leadership for the arrangement of the conference program, which was structured into parallel lecture offers about micro and Makromechatronik. Experts from economics, science and university offer a founded view in presentations and lectures on the future of these ranges of topics and present sample applications, among other things from automobile and medical technology. Thus Werner bricklayer, Robert Bosch GmbH, to the topic � �, reports to automatic control engineering in the production of Kfz electric motors and Gerd Siekmeyer, Admedes GmbH, presents the options pointing the way of mikromechatronischen Stentsystemen in the medical technology. A special highlight on Monday, 15. September, is the presentation of Markus Frietsch, Institut for production development (IPEK) of the University of Karlsruhe (TH). Under the title � world-wide and in Karlsruhe � he presents concepts, methods and concrete mechatronische components for humanoide robots, which divide their work areas with humans to Humanoide robot and it with their complex abilities and characteristics helpful assistant in the everyday life should be (" part-anthropomorphic Robotersystem"). Such a robot is presented with the Mechatronik days and its variety to prove. Considerable enterprises, universities and research establishments are represented both in the conference program and in the accompanying trade fair. Among them the Robert bosch GmbH, Carl Zeiss AG, Boehringer Ingelheim microParts, Bosch and Siemens domestic appliances, Roche DIAGNOSTICs, SEW EURODRIVE ONE, the Nikon GmbH or the Fraunhofer society. Partners of the meeting are among other things the authority network Mechatronik Baden-Wuerttemberg, the KIT � Karlsruhe institutes OF Technology, with the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and the research center Karlsruhe, as well as the university Karlsruhe � technology and economics, the Steinbeis European center and the ICT � Institut for chemical technology the Fraunhofer society. � the Mechatronik days is singular with their scarcely 40 specialized technical and Plenarveranstaltungen in this form to bring together and synergies recognize over specialists of different industries and also interface problems put out �, determines professor Fritz J. Neff. You can see the current program for the conference here:
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