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University Karlsruhe technology and economics

Hochschule Karlsruhe ? Technik und Wirtschaft
Hochschule Karlsruhe ? Technik und Wirtschaft
For the switching necessary of the technologies for the production of highly integrated building groups � mechanical engineering and Mechatronik stand for the faculty �, in addition, for colleagues of other faculties usable, a pure area of the class 10,000 (FedStd.209D) and/or according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 class 7 for order. Further subrange in particular for the micro assembly as well as the structure and connection technique of unpackaged semiconductors stand pure space ranges of the class 1000 (FedStd.209D) and/or according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 class 6 and class 100 (FedStd.209D) and/or according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 class 5 for Verf�gung.Die objective is here the theoretical meetings over clean-room technology, thick-film/hybrid technology, to clarify and deepen Mikromechatronik and/or hybrid integration also parallel to it accomplished exercises and projects. Here I, particularly also in the name all studying and colleague, thank which can use this pure area that I could operate the structure and the advancement up to today with the help of always pleasant co-operation with the institutes IMT and IPE of the research center Karlsruhe and the department of Mechatronik of the IPEK of the University of Karlsruhe, institutions of the KIT (Karlsruhe Institut for technology). Straight one with the complex projects of the Mikromechatronik showed up that a institution-spreading co-operation always arrives at the advantage of all involved ones. The advantage in particular for our studying is in the distances of few kilometers between all institutions mentioned. With the ERASMUS Mundus program master OF Science in Mechatronic and Micro Mechatronic of system results straight within this range an increasing use of this laboratory and an additional very intensive co-operation with the IMT and IPE of the research center Karlsruhe. In the context of the transfer of technology over the Steinbeis transfer center Mechatronik Karlsruhe with enterprises from industry and handicraft projects are accomplished here. Professor Fritz J. Neff picture 1:180 � panorama view into the pure area of the LMHSLithographie, screen printing technology, Flip chip Bonding, the /Wire Bonding, Pull and Shaer test, pure space monitoring system�

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Further information

Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft
76133 Karlsruhe


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HJM Becker Ecolab Hydroflex