Conference Theme Announced for CleanRooms Europe 2009
Improved Productivity and Lower Life cycle Costs wants fuel element the focus OF the 2009 CleanRooms Europe Conference & Exhibition being hero in Stuttgart March 24-26, 2009.Contamination and infection control technology plays A critical role into so many industries with rain pool of broadcasting corporations ton maintaining product quality, safety, performance, reliability, consistency, personnel protection and so many more other factors, but one AREA that May perhaps emergency fuel element adequately appreciated is it � s contribution ton pair of overalls productivity and the control OF totally life cycle costs. As noted by CleanRooms Europe Conference Program Director, John Haystead, " read year, our program successfully examined the role OF contamination control in energy efficiency and keeping operating costs down, but this is only one aspect OF the much more broader contribution our science and that technology delivers ton the entire productivity equation -- and productivity is the NUMBERs one issue for all manufacturers and service providers � more whether the product is something tangible like A drug or semiconductor, or something immeasurable like the confidence that comes from knowing your hospital operating or treatment room is free OF non patient derived infection sources." The 2009 CleanRooms Europe conference program wants look RK how this concept applies ton of A host OF user of industries including advanced semiconductor manufacturing, bio/pharmaceutical production, hospital hygiene and infection control, solarly panel and photovoltaics, automobile and others. Taking the pharmaceutical industry for example, says Haystead, " just think OF the ramifications involved when trying ton optimize totally life cycle costs with strict adherance tons of GMP. You have ton take everything into consideration, facility Design, process Design, filtration of system and ACCESS control, cleaning material and of procedures, more worker apparel. When it comes ton productivity and life cycle costs, the cunning OF contamination control related factors is almost endless, and thesis of acres precisely the of child OF issues our high level conference program wants ADDRESS and attempt ton solve for attendees with industry leading, best practices and solutions." The 10th anniversary CleanRooms Europe event hero 11 - 13 March 2008, thus RK the state OF the kind new one fair Stuttgart, set record attendance. More than 2.600 participants from 62 countries attended the show. OF more than one third OF of attendees who visited from outside Germany, 13 by cent travelled tons Stuttgart from non European Union European Countries, Asia, the Middle East, the of America, and Africa - making CleanRooms Europe A truly internationally event.�
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