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asip: Air germ measurement during the process

asip: Luftkeimmessung im Prozess
asip: Luftkeimmessung im Prozess
That gmp fair enterprise of a pharmaceutical production department requires it an air germ measuring procedure to install. The firmly installed Luftkeimmonitoringsystem asip does not have thereby in relation to the conventional method with mobile air germ collecting tanks in pure areas of the class A and B crucial danger of the transverse contamination develops in such a way no danger of the contamination bringing in pure areas by transferring of additional measuring equipment. Neither air germ collecting equipment nor measuring hose must be transferred into the pure area. - In addition no transverse contamination results from measuring equipment, which was used before in other production departments. High reproductibility of the measuring point the operator does not have to find by measuring point plans the correct measuring point. This is given by the firm installation. Minimum disturbance of the production process by the measurement a semiautomatic measuring procedure like those the air germ measurement always means a risk for the process which can be examined. In order not to reduce the risk by ideal in and yield of the filter bodies, transferring procedures are built for example into the machine nuclear range. It does not play a role whether with RABS, insulator technology or conventional clean-room technology one works. - Due to the firm installation is � construct the Messsystems" in the pure area before each measurement no longer necessarily. - There the air germ collecting equipment outside of the pure area is, goes out also of this no contamination risk, for example by impure exhaust air. High working reliability of the plant enterprises the plant with a control with high working reliability for the hard enterprise in the industrial surrounding field is conceived. Also measurements in � Verkehrszonen" if possible is in the pure space zones by mobile measuring points, in which the personal and material traffic prevail, a firm measuring point installation the expiration would disturb. Therefore offers asip also tiltable measuring points, which are moved only during the actual measurement into the appropriate range. After the measurement it simply the wall swivelled around no more to disturb-intuitive prompting of the users is intuitively led by clear statements on the respective operating panel. Thus it knows at each time about the status of the current in each case measurement. A SOP (standard operation Procedur) those the measuring expiration describes and in the pure area as hardcopy is present, is not necessary any longer. Optimal cleaning in the pure area possible operating panel are as Touchpanel implemented and can with all conventional pure space disinfection means be cleaned. Fast Armortisationszeit by the saved work time at the time of the execution of the measurements and the assumption of these by the production personnel is reached the point of amortization period within short time. a GMP conformal qualification interpretation of the measuring point the measuring points supplies GMP fair qualification from a hand PPM over a risk analysis is determined. - PPM supports you with the risk analysis and with finding the measuring points. - Important during the definition of the measuring points is also the consideration of the handling during production process manufacturer: Pike of automation systems GmbH birch line 288285 BodneggTel.: +49 7520924-122Fax: +49 7520924 - 199E-Mail: info@hecht-systeme.deInternet:

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