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SCHMIDT� flow sensor SS 20,60 HT, high temperature sensor to 350�C

SCHMIDT® Strömungs-Sensor SS 20.60 HT,  Hochtemperatur-Sensor bis 350°C
SCHMIDT® Strömungs-Sensor SS 20.60 HT, Hochtemperatur-Sensor bis 350°C
SCHMIDT Technology developed a high temperature version, which is suitable for the employment in operatings temperature to 350�C � briefly even to 400�C � for the flow sensor of the row SS 20,60. Outwardly the new sensor differs from the standard devices only by its white ceramic(s) head. Most changes were made inside the equipment and the components according to the increased requirement were laid out. Completely again revised electronics takes over the processing of the results of measurement and makes a digital or similar signal available. A new status indication gives directly at the sensor information over the momentarily measured flow rate as well as the status of the feeler. Again likewise the expenditure of the measured is medium temperature by the modular concept can the sensor alternatively also with a field bus interface be supplied. Field bus sensors relieve the superordinate instrumentation by finished prepared measured values e.g. in the form of Kg/h or m3/min and give its additionally access on the sensor status, so that threshold value or measuring range excesses as well as possible defects at the sensor to the plant operator can be announced immediately. Sample applications: Mass flow regulation with burn processes, burner control, flow measurement in process gases, volume flow measurement in test stands, speed measurement in drying units and sterilisation tunnels

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