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Pure-spacefair lying close and equipment Design/Computational fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Reinraumgerechtes Anlagen- und Equipment Design / Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Reinraumgerechtes Anlagen- und Equipment Design / Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
For a rising number of industrial ranges production under pure conditions is indispensable. Not only the increase of the Yields is of importance, but problem-free conversion of production processes. In particular contamination like airborne and/or sedimentierte particles, airborne Molecular Contamination as well as electrostatic characteristics is decisive. Relevant industries are: - Semiconductor manufacturing fine mechanics/optics micro-system manufacturing requirements of pure equipment manufacturer gives frequently specific, technical requirements, which must be achieved in the equipment. Target being are suggested to Semiconductors (ITRS) for the semiconductor industry in � internationally the Technology Roadmap for � and in � the Sematech Integrated Minienvironment Design Best Practices �, for example: - Air category of purity, - WP-value (Particles by wafer and passport), - AMC purity of air and materials, - flow parameters, - ESD characteristics and Werkstoffauswahl.In of similar way are valid these requirements also for the other specified already branchbeside the specified specifications and functionalities of the complete systems has also the setting up place of pure equipment substantial effects on its Design. The surrounding pure area with its air category of purity (frequent class 5 to 7 according to ISO 14644-1) and its flow characteristics determine to a large extent the screen pure equipment and the filter selection. Illustration 1 (see appendix pdf) equipment in the pure area, with load haven and operator, source [Fraunhofer IPA] on the basis of the requirements mentioned form the used materials the condition for pure equipment. In the semiconductor industry v. A. are the following material properties of importance: - Particle emission behavior degassing behavior - electrostatic characteristic chemical resistance/corrosion resistance cleaning barness apart from the material properties also their treatment and if necessary its coating are to be considered. Illustration 2 (see appendix pdf) equipment interior with closed interface level and lateral outflow, flow simulation � path lines, [source Fraunhofer IPA, order work for Vistec Electron Beam GmbH] solutions and RealisierungDie impact of pure equipment is essentially based on the permanent supplies of pure air as well as the avoidance of sources of contamination inside the equipment. Beyond that over the supplies of pure air, appropriate flow guidance and Versperrung an effective barrier effect is created for the demarcation of the usually less pure environment. The focus of this elaboration is on the supply of the equipment with own ventilation. Reason for this is independent for some years the predominating trend to the highly pure equipment of the setting up place in the pure area as well as omission of complex, additional adjustment work. The mechanical and electronic components frequently used in the equipment are to be classified on the one hand as sources of contamination, on the other hand than functional elements indispensable. Against the background experience of many years in the manufacturing of purity-purity-suited devices and plants that provides Fraunhofer IPA of purity concepts, which by simulation and material data bases are removed to precise solutions. Illustration 3 (see appendix pdf) EFEM for 300-mm-Wafertools: Pressure distribution, [source: Brooks automation Jena GmbH] illustration 4 (see appendix pdf) flow past a Pre Aligners, [source: Brooks automation Jena GmbH] illustration 5 (see appendix pdf) use of Computational fluid Dynamics (CFD) rough estimations of Tooldesigns are possible for flow past a transfer robot, source [Brooks automation Jena GmbH] by hand calculation. Complex and/or dynamic systems are not realizable without CFD in the early Design phase. Fraunhofer the IPA uses the simulation software FLUENT (ANSYS). With this software an enormous potential at simulation practicabilities is available of complex physical procedures. In very early phases a precise organization of clean-spacefair plants and equipment already makes advantages of CFDCFD for the development possible. Hardware is not necessary for it. The complexity of the models can be very high. Aufw�ndige prototypes for gradual optimization are void. Designs provided by technical designers can be read in directly into the simulation software and be exported for further uses again. Thus the results are available very fast and exactly for the construction. Different Setups is feasible after the production of the computer model by change of boundary conditions. Use of WerkstoffdatenbankenDie selection of suitable clean-spacesuited materials is based on over 20j�hrige the experience as well as extensive Fraunhofer data bases. In it materials are after particle emission, degassing, ESD characteristics etc. seized, the standardised measurements be subject-view-being subject view those in the semiconductor manufacturing ever smaller becoming structural widths aimed at lead with high probability to rising requirements to pure equipment. The complexity of the purity-relevant aspects will strongly increase. The process specific characteristics determine different aspects of purity as for example particle emission, degassing and ESD characteristics and must with these be co-ordinated. Authors: Dipl. - engineer (FH) franc Friedrich citizen and Dr. - engineer Dipl. - Phys. Udo Gommel

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Reinraumgerechtes Anlagen- und Equipment Design / Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)


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