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Engineering profession on the overhauling trace

The new Allensbacher occupation prestige scale shows it: The engineering profession catches up in the reputation in the population. Compared with 2001 some occupational groups could be overhauled. Engineers and engineers are in the meantime more popular than atomic physicists, writers, pharmacists and diplomats. "this development makes us happy", says VDI director Dr. Willi fox. "it shows you that engineers and their achievements are evaluated increasingly positively again." 27 per cent of the asked ones indicated that the engineering profession belongs to the usually-estimated activities. The attorneys achieved the same score, what to place six under seventeen different occupational groups is equivalent. Only entrepreneurs, basic school teacher, university professors, minister enjoy a higher reputation and at the first place of physicians with 78 per cent.  "nevertheless we must continue to work for the fact that the engineering profession is regarded as exciting and various vocational field", stresses the VDI director. "with our initiative THINGS MAKING we support the positive trend, particularly with the activities, those the new generation promote as for instance the country wide day of the technology or the Formula student Germany." It gives however still Potenzial upward, thus to fox, because 1966 ranked still almost each second Federal citizen the engineering profession among the usually-estimated activities   the question, which addresses Institut for demoscopy all brook to the population, read: "here some occupations are noted. Could you please five of it pick out, which estimated you at most, before those you to most attention have?" The asked one thereby a list with seventeen occupations is submitted.During the current, representative collection 904 persons were asked, illustrated thus the German population starting from 16 years.

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