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M+W Zander builds new food factory in China for Wyeth

The M+W Zander (Shanghai) CO, Ltd., an enterprise of the M+W Zander ruppe, was assigned of Wyeth (* * _ _ * *) as a general contractor planning and building of a large food factory m Chinese Suzhou (close Shanghai). In a first phase M+W Zander already advised the customer with the location selection. As next project phases follow planning, purchase, building, start-up and validating. To the factory buildings with a total surface area of approximately 60,000 square meters fully automated production lines with newest technology, supplying buildings, offsites, laboratories as well as the administration belong. Altogether Wyeth invests approximately 280 million US dollar into its new manufacturing plant, which is to serve the increasing Chinese market. The first cut of the spade on 10 March 2008 was the prelude for the beginning of the construction work.The project should be final at the end of of 2010. In the case of the order M+W Zander with the projects management Group (PMG) works together (_ _). The project managers and engineers of M+W Zander as well as the process specialists of PMG worry about all disciplines including process technology, selection of the production plants, architecture, logistics, piping systems, electrical installations as well as automation. The project team from coworkers of both enterprises covers altogether approximately 100 specialists. With this important project M+W Zander continues to develop its position as an offerer from total conceptions to the building of factories for the pharmaceutical, food -, health and Biotechindustrie in Asia. For plant farmer this market ranks among the most important growth markets.

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