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Drees & summer Stuttgart: Project management for B. brown Melsungen

Drees & Sommer Stuttgart: Projektmanagement für B. Braun Melsungen
Drees & Sommer Stuttgart: Projektmanagement für B. Braun Melsungen
Drees & summers has itself in the past years to the building expert for highly technological Pharmagebaeude developed   the team of Drees & summers kept to the turn of the year 2006/2007 the order of the Projekt­managements for three projects brown at the internationally acting Pharma and medical technology company B. Melsungen AG. The quantity of orders was then extended in the course of the yearly 2007 by a further project. Drees & summer answer for thereby the project management for the following four buildings:       extension of the automatic warehouse and the distribution center with an investment sum of approximately 29 millions euro       extension of the production building for infusion transition systems with approximately 26 millions euro construction costs volume       new building of an infusion solution manufacturing and a central laboratory for approximately 180 millions euro       new building of a production building for dialysis machines as well as infusion pumps with an investment volume of approx..60 millions euro the project management team of Drees & summers carries locally providing for special and termin­gerechte for steering of the project. The owner successfully uses the Drees & summer PKM system, a data processing-supported project communication platform, for these projects. The management of B. Braun is in the project planning and control merged first of the four projects in the autumn 2008 will be already handed over intensively. Rino Woyczyk

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