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SCC certificate for inseminate for more security, health and environmental protection

SCC-Zertifikat für Besam für mehr Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz
SCC-Zertifikat für Besam für mehr Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz
As one of the first enterprises of the automatic door industry inseminates the SCC certificate (Safety Certificate Contractors) has received. This certificate is a in demand quality seal for an exemplary management system for security, health and environment (SGU). It confirms the adherence to the high standards for industrial safety on international level. Certifying after the international SCC standards offers not only a high measure of right security, but reduced also as can be prove to accident numbers and improves the service-Qualitaet. Within many ranges of the industry, in addition, within ranges of the daily life (e.g. at gas stations) one finds extremely high safety risks, which can certainly lead rules "(SCC standards) during disregard" to catastrophic accidents. Therefore the topic security of inseminate, the market leader attached with automatic door plants, strengthens high priority.Each coworker of inseminate a relevant portion of the adjustment and preparation of the enterprise on SCC certifying carried out and finally to the acquisition of the desired certificate contributed. The official acknowledgment followed now after an one-day audit, which only by accredited certification enterprises may be accomplished. Certifying takes place after the SCC standard in such a way specified, in which relevant sets of rules and standardization are determined. Certified with the certificate inseminate that the enterprise introduced a management system for security, health and environmental protection in accordance with SCC check list and effectively uses. During the validity period of the certificate (three years) the Zertifizierer must convince itself regularly (at least once annually) of the validity of the Zertifkates. For this it accomplishes periodically audits.These periodic audits are based again on an audit plan, which was provided by the AUDI gate. With the audits it must be guaranteed that all work relevant for the SGU Managementsystem is evaluated at least once during the three-yearly period. With the audits the accident statistics must be submitted, which is countersigned by the management. At expiration of the validity of the certificate the enterprise can let the certificate extend. In this case the Zertifizierer in a repetition audit has the complete evaluation accomplish if it on security, quality and environmental protection arrives, then the adherence to high standards on international level is in demand. That only enterprises with exemplary management systems can do as inseminate to reliably ensure  

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Further information

Besam GmbH
64807 Dieburg


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