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Mini AlphaMop™ insulator cleaning tool

Mini AlphaMop? Isolator Reinigungswerkzeug
Mini AlphaMop? Isolator Reinigungswerkzeug
The mini AlphaMop™ insulator cleaning tool is optimally suitable for the cleaning of insulators, biological safety cabinets, Glove boxes and sterile work benches. The mop head is flat and has rounded off corners. The system is completely auto+pianoable and from Celcon® plastics. The swivelling joint makes possible to clean it you also normally with difficulty attainable surfaces. 2 coats to the selection: 1. ISO class 4 washed AlphaWipe Polyesther of coats for particularly small particle delivery and extractable arrears 2. Technicloth®, an economic Polyesther/Zellulose fleece cloth with small particle delivery and good absorption self-sheep coat AlphaWipe in the set available with 1 coat AlphaWipe, 1 polyester foam material PAD. Particularly develops for cytotoxic medicaments and/or if after each cleaning the products must be replaced.

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH PMS Becker HJM