Fully automatic particle recognition by image analysis and chemical
Vollautomatische Partikelerkennung durch Bildanalyse und chemische Zuordnung
RWS ID Particle of system presents the newest generation of your
particle identification devices with the Advanced single Particle
Explorer. The combination of, to fully automatic image analysis and
Raman spectroscopy supplies in unbeatable speed the size with, number
and form analysis of over 10.000 particles starting from 5 µm. With
this result particles will be able afterwards due to your form or size
for the identification more ausgewaehlt. Anwender so at minimum
personnel expenditure approx.. 400 particles in only one hour identify
and sources of impurity seek out. The statistically relevant
evaluation of the special membrane filter helps particularly with the
search for sources of contamination. Beside a possible background
noise of cellulose particles, which possibly belong to the normal
production process, so the actual interference source is rapidly
recognized.A conventional analytics department needs one week for the
characterisation of the 20-40 largest particles of a sample approx..
That lasts and costs approx.. €. the new Advanced single Particle
Explorer the same result supplies 4000 to 25 minutes. Only work
procedures for the laboranten are approx.. 3 min filtration of the
sample on the patented filtr.AID diaphragm as well as inserting the
sample, the selection of the measuring method, start of the
measurement. Equipped with autofocus and automatic particle
recognition the analytical device supplies a complete particle size
distribution after 1 minute. Spectroscopic parameters (exposure time
and laser achievement) are selected by the system and the material
composition with an integrated data base alignment is determined.
Subsequently, the result is documented together with all raw data
(particle pictures, pattern recognition and material allocation,
spectra) in a table in falsification safe after 21 CFR part 11.For routine investigations quadruple a probenwechsler is available.
The simple qualification after IQ, OQ and PQ of the system with the
provided standards and particle-normal is accomplished nearly
everywhere in the world by trained Servicepartner in only a half day.
The user is to be examined able with the standards the calibration
within few minutes documented. The experienced team of RWS ID
validated and is available the systems for different tasks of routine
already with the integrated laboratory for method development,
validating or for feasibility studies. Users, usually customers from
the pharmaceutical development and quality assurance for Injektabilia,
nose sprays and Inhalativa, manufacturers of implants in addition, the
automobile suppliers e.g. manufacturers of patch cords and injection
systems improve and secure the quality of your products faster with
smallest personnel employment.
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