The Christian Water Technology Group offers the possibility with its
new equipment family Septron LINE of producing Reinstwasser in
different quality classes and quantities. The standard models 10-20
and 25-60 correspond to the valid standards after ISO, CAP and ASTM.
Besides they become the requirements of the European (Ph.Eur., Aqua
Purificata) and American Pharmakopoeen (USP, Purified Water) at
high-purity water around a multiple fairly. All units make a fast
start-up possible and offer high working reliability with small
maintenance costs. With the versions PRO, VAL and HPW offer for each
requirement the suitable solution to Christian. With general
industriellen working processes with high-purity water the pro
execution the ideal partner, which VAL devices fulfill the quality
requirements of the Pharmaindustrie and are, with consideration of the
FDA- and PIC- guidelines is GMP conformal. With the model HPW leaves
itself Highly Purified Water (Ph.Eur.) manufacture.The obtained H2O-Qualitaet is used into general applications of
high-purity waters (for example rinse water of the micro technology).
Also to the supply of distilling plants (Water for Injections) and
steam generators the produced water quality with lowest conductivity
is suitable. By the Vorqualifizierung FAT (Factory Acceptance test) of
all devices the expenditure for the suburb qualification and start-up
is reduced clearly. All devices of the Septron LINE 10-20 are secured
by three password-protected entrance levels, in combination with an
electronic key. With a surface area of 0,5 m2 they fit into each
laboratory. The models of the series of 25-60 represent meanwhile the
third generation. They are PLC controlled, GAMP and CE conformal and
fulfill the valid standards for electrical and electromagnetic
security.Four password levels and an optionally integrable printer for the
complete backtracing of events and interferences grant largest
security. The clear menu guidance and a Touchscreen display make a
safe and ergonomic operation possible. With approximately 1.2 m2 these
devices take little place. The entire Septron technology is
characterised by an optimal micro-biological purity. This water
quality reaches Christian by the dead-volume-poor "Smart block
connection technique" and by means of all preparation stages of
filtration, reverse osmosis with Full-fit-Konzept by means of the
electrical complete softening up to the external sterile filtration
(HPW quality). Caption: Septron LINE 25-60: The devices produce in
five stages 150 to 2000 l/h. Photo: Christian Water Technology Group
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