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With modular, flexible clean-room system on success course

Mit modularem, flexiblem Reinraumsystem auf Erfolgkurs
Mit modularem, flexiblem Reinraumsystem auf Erfolgkurs
The clean-room system core authority the Schilling engineering from Wutoeschingen in the Klettgau, connected with the production know-how Swiss titanium implant of supplier, formed the basis for the realization of an innovative, flexible and economical pure space solution. The Schilling engineering GmbH took at the beginning of of 2006 with Swiss implant manufacturer servant AG in Embrach a clean-room system CleanMediCell that to newest generation in enterprise. Since nearly two years contently cleans the servants AG, packs and labels for approximately two years their titanium implants under pure space conditions of the ISO class 7 on a surface area of 200 m². The implants are handed over in a pure space preparation zone into ultrasonic cleaning units washed, over an air-lock system into the pure area, examined, packed there and carried on over an output air-lock system, to the dispatch to the final customers.Two new pure areas as well as complex pure space preparation and air-lock zones are the core elements of this production plant. Conspicuous characteristics Top feature of the system are the fully integrated pure air air conditioning, the pure air feedback by the circulating air and return air wall modules, the ultrahigh achievement filters, transparency by very large window areas as well as the pure space authority of the supplier. And exactly these characteristics were the reasons for the procurement of the High Tech system of Schilling engineering, say Juerg Aeberli, the pure space production manager of the servants AG. The clean-room system CleanMediCell was production handed over to production, start-up up to the qualification, as optimally complete solution co-ordinated with the customer needs after a structure and a turn-around time from only four weeks, as turn key solution of planning.(picture: The large window areas make a working in the pure area very comfortable)

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH HJM PMS MT-Messtechnik