Dr. Hannes Rosenthaler of new managing directors with M+W Zander
The supervisory board of M+W Zander appointed Dr. Hannes Rosenthaler
with immediate effect as the managing director and occupied with it
the vakante, second managing director position in the company upper
company. The operation manager attained a doctorate answers for in
particular finances of the company operating world-wide, which is thus
led together by Dr. Wolfgang Haefele and Dr. Hannes Rosenthaler. The
46jaehrige Rosenthaler was last - since 2003 - active as a finance
executive committee for the Austrian Energy & Environment AG in Vienna
and substantially in the international development of the enterprise
participated there. Before it the native Viennese in different,
international companies worked as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). "M+W
Zander grows world-wide with high dynamics and has the Potenzial for
further growth. I look forward to participate together with my new
colleagues in the further development to a strong, uniform company." A
photo of Dr.Rosenthaler can be downloaded under http://www.mw