Enthaertungsanlagen are necessary as pretreatment stage in pure water
purification systems, save a risk however at the same time. Their
Ionentauscherharze offers a large buildup surface for micro organisms.
The water could be loaded thereby, without permission high keimzahlen
production would endanger. In order to defuse this situation,
strengthened to plants with inserted Sanitisierungs concept one falls
back. These are however aufwaendig and cost-intensive. With the
germ-reducing Regeneriertabs Sanisal P Christian a simple and reliable
solution for the problem developed. Sanisal P can be filled like
conventional regeneration salt into the salt and/or brine tank of the
Enthaerters. Its active ingredient is set free, arrived with the
regeneration into the enthaerter and kills germs. In the following
flushing these are removed with the chemical remainders from the
enthaerter.Following process stages are not impaired thus, for smell and taste of
the prepared water remain the same. Normal regeneration salt is not
necessary any longer. Sanisal P can be used in existing plants. It
does not take place no modification of the plant and a renewed
validating is compellingly necessary. Compared with conventional
chemical or thermal Sanitisierungs measures Sanisal P offers an
important advantage: The germinating in the brine tank, one of the
largest factors of risk, is excluded. So far if a Sanitisierung of the
tank was not only periodically accomplished at all or, then the
regular use the tabs ensures a permanent protection of the softening
as well as following process stages. This guarantees a high plant
availability and contributes in such a way to an efficient production.
In contrast to the Heisswassersanitisierung by the use of Sanisal no
additional energy is used.The employment of heatproof materials and contact protection is not
necessary. Via regular application during the regeneration no
additional operating interrupt takes place. Caption: With the
germ-reducing Regeneriertabs Sanisal P Christian a simple and safe
Sanitisierungsmoeglichkeit for enthaertungsanlagen developed. The
largest factor of risk, the germinating in the brine tank, is
impossible thereby. Photo: Christian Water Technology Group
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