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The MicronSwep cleaning system - micro fiber cleaning for pure areas validated

Das MicronSwep Reinigungssystem ? validierte Mikrofaserreinigung für Reinräume
Das MicronSwep Reinigungssystem ? validierte Mikrofaserreinigung für Reinräume
Effective cleaning of controlled environments is a job for professionals. There are different standards, regulations and recommended cleaning methods, which are to fulfill the speziellen Anforderungen at pure space cleaning. In practice often lack are present with these cleaning methods. It is crucial that conventional cleaning agents and products guarantee generally only the optical cleanliness of the pure area and not the removal of particles and micro-biological impurities, as well as growth of bacteria after the cleaning prevents. For this reason Berendsen Cleanroom services developed a economical, ergonomic and high-quality pure space cleaning system in co-operation with Vileda Professional - the MicronSwep system. With the MicronSwep system concerns it a single-step damp cleaning procedure.With this can not only floors but also walls and covers in pure areas and controlled environments to be cleaned. It is singularly owing to the use washable, lint-poor Mikrofasermoppbezuege, which can be also sterilized. The extremely thin micro fibers of the Reinraummopps (CleanRoom Mop) entfernen impurities on Micron level, which ensures a very high cleaning achievement. This micro fiber is made of 100% Polyster and ensures for it that particle does not only remove from the surface which can be cleaned, but also to the Mopp to be held surely. In addition the friction of the Mopps is reduced to a minimum, which facilitates the work, without impairing the effectiveness. No water in the pure area already before entering the pure area impregnates the cleaning specialist the necessary number of Mopps with reinigungsfluessigkeit.Usually one assumes with a CleanRoom mop 25 m2 surface can be cleaned. Contrary to 2 or 3-Eimer-Systemen no buckets with water and cleaning agent must be carried forward more into the pure area, and annoying rinsing and wringing out of the Mopps out during the cleaning procedure are not necessary any longer. The CleanRoom mop is before beginning of the cleaning already gebrauchsfertig im Trolley. If one is finished with the cleaning, will the dirty Moppbezug immediately stowed away in a bag, in order to be washed later. This proceeding excludes a cross contamination. Accomplished tests confirm that the ergonomic aspect of the system is one of the most important advantages for the cleaning forces. With the help of the single-step cleaning system verringert sich the work expended of all involved ones just like the extent of the necessary reinigungsfluessigkeiten. That has a positive effect on the cost-efficiency of the MicronSwep of system.Beside the CleanRoom mop, which is available in two different sizes, and which pertinent hardware belong micro fiber wiping cloths (CleanRoom Wipe) to the Assortiment. For the decontamination of the Moppbezuege and cloths there are different wash processes with Berendsen Cleanroom services dependent on the operational area. Apart from the ISO according to standard 5, it is possible for wash process and the conventional method of the Autoklavierung, the Moppbezuege with one of Berendsen particularly developed ISO 5 Pharma procedures to treat. It removes chemicals and particles and kills up to 6log-Ebene micro organisms. What is worth a cleaning system without the suitable training of the personnel, it may also be how simple to use? Berendsen Clanroom services offers training programs to you for pure space cleaning forces, in order to guarantee that the high-quality Moppbezuege and the remaining equipment are optimally used.The innovative MicronSwep Systen stands for economical, qualitatively high-quality and ergonomic cleaning: surely the trouble worth, if one regards the long-term advantages. Please you contact us for closer information or a noncommittal presentation for its firm specific situation


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