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Clean transport, storage and hygenic assembly of air ducts, pipings and climatictechnical components

Sauberer Transport, Lagerung und hygienische Montage von Luftkanälen, Rohrleitungen und klimatechnischen Komponenten
Sauberer Transport, Lagerung und hygienische Montage von Luftkanälen, Rohrleitungen und klimatechnischen Komponenten
Manufacturers of air ducts, slip joint tubingslip joint tubing slip joint tubings and other air and climatictechnical components are to be developed in addition continued construction units and supplied, those the general state of the art in all demanded areas regarding functionality and choice of materials correspond - so also in hygenic view. In coordination with plant farmer is in to ensure the respective hygiene requirements appropriate transport of the components to the building site. The plant farmer, has to likewise consider afterwards in the context of the project conversion the adherence to the given hygiene guidelines. The consistent conversion of these guidelines on the part of the component manufacturers and plant farmer is to be managed so far only over a substantial additional expenditure when manufacturing and assembling. In most cases, with expensive self adhesive foil or with foil and tape one seals.Thereby also showering hoods or OI Fuesslinge are partly purpose-alienated. For the activity of locking the components usually two coworkers are to be taken into account. If the sealed component without damage of the catch reached the building site, this must be removed, be disposed locally just as aufwaendig again and be cleaned the components by sticking traces. Altogether one very time and material-intensive affair. With this topic the MEZ TECHNOLOGY GmbH air system intensively argued products in the last months and presented now an innovative, economical and re-usable transport -, camp and construction period catch: MEZ DUCTCAP. By the MEZ TECHNOLOGY, the sealing system, functioned for round and rectangular air control systems and components, tested outside of the USA and Canada, exclusively refugee and that already for four years, equally.The MEZ DUCTCAP, made of high-quality and particularly tear-firm PE material with set in elastic strip, is at present in six standard sizes available and can be attached problem-free by a person without further aids on the respective construction unit. So far sizes are covered from sizes 80 to size 1,000 or extent to 3,000 mm. Further sizes and remarks are in planning.

Further information

72770 Reutlingen


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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH HJM Systec & Solutions GmbH C-Tec