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Coronavirus protective equipment

Raumedic offers support to the District of Hof

Landrat Dr. Oliver Bär, Raumedic-CEO Stefan Seuferling, Werkleiter Jürgen Küspert, Karl Bayer und Matthias Korn von der Diakonie (v.l.n.r.) bei der Übergabe am Raumedic-Hauptsitz in Helmbrechts. / District administrator Dr. Oliver Bär, Raumedic CEO Stefan Seuferling, plant director Jürgen Küspert, Karl Bayer and Matthias Korn from the social welfare center (from left to right) at the handover at the Raumedic headquarters in Helmbrechts.
Landrat Dr. Oliver Bär, Raumedic-CEO Stefan Seuferling, Werkleiter Jürgen Küspert, Karl Bayer und Matthias Korn von der Diakonie (v.l.n.r.) bei der Übergabe am Raumedic-Hauptsitz in Helmbrechts. / District administrator Dr. Oliver Bär, Raumedic CEO Stefan Seuferling, plant director Jürgen Küspert, Karl Bayer and Matthias Korn from the social welfare center (from left to right) at the handover at the Raumedic headquarters in Helmbrechts.

The Raumedic AG has supported the District of Hof with the procurement of several thousand medical protective masks. A part of these was personally accepted by district administrator Dr. Oliver Bär in April. The Zentrale Diakoniestation Naila received a material donation. Medical masks and disinfectants were given to the social welfare organization and its carers who are currently tending to more than 400 patients in their homes.

“As is currently the case for many other organizations, we are having trouble getting enough protective equipment,” explains Matthias Korn, head of the social welfare work center. Karl Bayer, chairman of the Diakoniewerk Martinsberg, continues to express his thanks to the medical technology company for putting so much effort into procurement and donating a share to the social welfare organization.

“With our excellent network of suppliers and the commitment of our purchasing department and plant management, we hope to have made a small contribution to managing the current situation in the region,” says Raumedic CEO Stefan Seuferling. He continued to stress the importance of solidarity in times of the coronavirus, be it within the company or outside of one’s own organization.

Raumedic AG
95233 Helmbrechts


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