Vollservice: praktisch und wirtschaftlich
Berendsen Cleanroom services offers a broad spectrum
an Reinraumkleidung and to services for everyone
gewuenschte Reinheitsniveau. Our complete service contains an offering
from clothe packages, decontamination after each period of use,
logistics and competent consultation, with which you lower
direkten und the indirect costs and the warranty for one durably
hohe Qualitaet. It depends in each case on the exact nature of your
supervised working environment and the international standard which
can be kept, Â aus which material and on which type the clothes be
must, welche Dekontaminationsverfahren are used and like the
Produkte verpackt to be to have. Berendsen Cleanroom services has
spezielle Dekontaminationsprozesse is developed to damage and
die Barrierewirkung impair with which the clothes thoroughly cleaned,
without the material.All articles of clothing werden waehrend to the entire life span
regularly supervised, geprueft und bei requirement replaces.
Nachverfolgbarkeit is a substantial Teil unseres of quality management
system. Each article of clothing is with einem Chip provided, so that
a fast, reliable und effiziente Nachverfolgbarkeit ensured is. All
decontamination processes bei Berendsen constantly supervised and
validated in accordance with the guidelines in such a way
strenger Standards like ISO, GMP and IEST. Logistics is optimized on
einen reibungslosen operational sequence of the internal distribution.
Ours eigener Transportdienst and safe-deposit box service guarantee
one verlaesslichen Fluss from clean and dirty clothes. Complete
service for each situation whether you in the pharmaceutical industry,
in which air and Raumfahrt oder are active in the Mikrochelektronik we
you ein umfassendes assortment at clothes for the ISO classes 3 to
9 anbieten know.Ours mix from comfortable materials, remarks und Modellen ensures best
contamination control for Ihre Arbeitsumgebung. Beside antibacterial
clothes and ESD- protective clothing is also protective clothing,
which meets strictest requirements, for activities afflicted with a
high risk as for example handling acids and cytostatic drugs
erhaeltlich. Berendsen Cleanroom services has a set of clothe
Dekontaminationsverfahren entwickelt, which are on the needs of
certain Industriezweige zugeschnitten. The available processes are
der standardmaessige ISO 5 and ISO 8-Partikelentfernungsprozess
und herkoemmliche methods such as Autoklavierung and sterilization.
Singularly our special alternative Pharma developed for sterilization
wash process makes us. It removes Chemikalien und particle and kills
micro organisms. The entire Prozess entspricht ISO -, GMP- and FDA
standards and became of independent Seite validiert.To the protection from electrostatic unloading with der Fertigung
high-quality electronic components Berendsen developed ein Sortiment
at ESD clothes with a special ESD procedure, a  antistatischem finish
and test services. Clothes for die Mikroelektronikindustrie treated
with the same finish und erfuellt at the same time IEST RP CC003.3
regarding the particle numbers. All dies meant for its enterprise
discharge, niedrigere Fertigungskosten, flexibility, maintenance
information and verlaessliche Leistung and quality. Berendsen
Cleanroom services is not only a competent partner for pure space
clothes and the leasing of pure space clothes, but offers beside it
also a singular cleaning system - to MicronSwep. Particularly for the
pure space care and covers the use re-usable lint-poor Moppbezuege
from 100% polyester, a logistics complete service and training
programs for the cleaning personnel was developed.Also for this system the chip registration and thus a quality control
application finds. Effziente of products, reliable service Berendsen
Cleanroom services is in the segment Pharma and biotechnology in many
European countries like - e.g. Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and
Poland - market leaders for pure space service. We possess partners in
Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Australia and the USA and are
represented we also in Germany now. We have on the basis of our
experience and von Kundenwuenschen complete service for the
Kontaminationskontrolle entwickelt. Constant innovation efforts
guarantee that we offer fuer Ihre specific question the correct
solution koennen. Wiederverwendbarkeit, quality and continuity form
the Essenz aller unserer Kontaminationsueberwachungsleistungen.
Detailed information about our clothes, the MicronSwep
Reinigungssystem und logistics is to all customers at the disposal.Berendsen of liefert alles from a hand for all questions of the
Kontaminationskontrolle. Unsere Zertifzierung fulfills the quality
standards in accordance with ISOÂ 9001:2000 and GMP the warranty for
the fact that all are punctually furnished our Leistungen tadellos
and. The customer satisfaction wird regelmaessig supervises, and we
keep close contact with unseren Endkunden by frequent attendance,
contacts and information. Unser staendiges a goal is it to offer to
you the optimum service at any time fuer Ihr pure space management.
Everything from a hand for protection, comfort, hygiene, image and
care of the environment Berendsen supplies a broad pallet of products
and achievements fuer Schutz, to comfort, hygiene and firm image with
to ihrer Unternehmensumgebung. The reproduction is on solutions, which
increase die Effzienz, improve the quality and costs
beherrschbarer machen. Consideration for the environment and promotion
of the Wiederverwendung spielen here an important role.Our enterprise is arranged into effziente service ranges, which can
kombiniert werden in arbitrary way.