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Christian presents new generation of pure water producers

Christ präsentiert neue Generation von Reinwassererzeugern
Christ präsentiert neue Generation von Reinwassererzeugern
Space-saving and controlfriendly with the Osmotron Compact presents to Christian a new generation of pure water producers, which offer more security and control comfort as well as a simplified installation. Approximately 25 per cent of less space occupied needs the new Osmotron version compared with conventional devices. Beyond that the framework can be manufactured if necessary two-piece, so that also narrow passages are passable. A reduced pipework system facilitates the list and provides at the same time by fewer totraeume for a smaller germinating risk. In addition micro-biological security is ensured, dependently on the installation type, by a thermal or chemical Sanitisierung. Depending upon need can together be treated alternatively only the softening, the reverse osmosis stage or RO and Septron EDI. That means a indulgence of the material, high availability as well as a reduced energy consumption.Since the thermal Sanitisierung flows through all pipings completely with 80 °C, increase efficiency and reliability of the process clearly. All product-affected parts of the Osmotron Compacts are manufactured made of high-grade steel 316 L. The plant is available according to standard with an output of 500 to 6,000 l/h; shortens the delivery times. The logical arrangement of all components erleichert the operation of the pure water plant just like the equipment with Siemens PC panel 477B and the SPS control Siemens S7. Already in the standard version the Liprocontrol software developed by Christian makes possible a full-graphic descripton of all functions and plant systems on a view. When desired this solution can be extended by the Aqu@view software, which offers an integrated writer and Trendingfunktion in accordance with 21 CFR part 11 as well as a Audittrail function.As optional features the Osmotron Compact in addition a remote supervision and a remote function offers, with which the plant can be supervised and served from the office workstation. The regeneration monitoring of the conductivity of the waste water and control of the brine aspirating pressure are likewise according to standard integrated. For simple micro-biological control provides central, well accessible for all quality relevant measuring points. Depending upon available raw water quality CO2 can be removed chemistry-free by means of diaphragm degassing. For the purposeful oxygen and hydrogen removal the exhaust converter Hydrokat is available as safety precaution. The pure water yield is by the integrated, medicine-forms concentrate preparation on approximately 90 per cent riserable. At the same time sink in such a way water consumption, waste water quantity as well as the operating cost; micro-biological security rises.Around customized desires fast and comprehensibly to convert, planning and construction take place in 3D. Caption: A new generation of water treatment plants presents Christian with the Osmotron Compact. It needs less place and offers more flexibility, smaller operating cost, more security and control comfort as well as a simplified installation. Photo: Christian Water Technology Group

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Kretz + Wahl Systec & Solutions GmbH C-Tec Becker