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Christian takes over majority at the Zeta group

Christ übernimmt Mehrheit an der Zeta-Gruppe
Christ übernimmt Mehrheit an der Zeta-Gruppe
Development of the Biopharma complete solutions the Christian Water Technology group transfers 76 per cent at the Zeta group with seat to Tobelbad with Graz, Austria, and continues to develop thereby their activities in the Pharma and Life Science section. Zeta is particularly in the Central European market active and operates locations in Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland and in Tschechien. The enterprise employs 240 coworkers as prominent offerers of production systems as well as process equipment for the Biotech and Pharmaindustrie and obtained 2006 an annual turnover of approximately 40 million euro. With the assumption Christian extends among other things his offer at turn key solutions. "we are thus in the range of the classical Liquidaprozesse in a the position to offer as only manufacturers the entire process chain including a spreading automation system for the pharmaceutical industry.Experience of many years in the biotechnological equipment construction and a variety at High Tech special equipment make also a lasting development for Christian possible to boom-end biotechnology market ", say Christian CEO GDR Karl Michael Millauer. The engineering know-how and the product authority of Zeta offer together with the global service and sales network of Christian extensive synergies and new wachstumschancen. A goal is it to become medium-term an offerer for pharmaceutical process and medium systems, leading world-wide. Zeta was created in the year 1987 and is today ein  an established supplier for process technology with the selling emphasis Central Europe.The special strength of the group lies when the technical authority on a high quality level and a broad Produktportfolio with beginning systems, bioreactors, agitating and mixing technology, filtration, freezing and thawing out systems, biopharmaceutical equipment construction with customized automation solutions as well as the assembling of sterile plants. But the Christian Produktportfolio is not only supplemented by the assumption: Zeta, which will firmieren further under this name, in addition has a large and highly qualified assembly department, which will in the future strengthen the service range of Christian. Since Christian is world-wide active, chances in the international competition are offered by the assumption for both companies. "Christian lends many new development chances to Zeta, whereby above all Vertriebs-und service possibilities on international level is to be emphasized", commentated Zeta managing director Hermann Grundnig."in addition we can secure thereby also the rapid growth of our entrepreneurial group lastingly and thus a successful and stable future for our coworkers, partners and customers guarantee", supplemental its partner in the management, Gerhard Zehetner.

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