Safety-relevant examination of laboratory departures
Sicherheitstechnische Prüfung von Laborabzügen
One of the most important safety devices in the laboratory are the
laboratory departures. Work, with which gases, steams or suspended
matters in dangerous concentrations can occur, may be implemented for
the protection of the persons employed in principle only in
operator-safe laboratory suits. With the increasing requirements at
their protective functions also the yardsticks rise for the evaluation
of security and the efficiency. Only a consistent execution and a
complete documentation of the examinations can ensure security when
working under laboratory departures. Operators of laboratory
departures it is long well-known that the former DIN standard replaces
12924 since autumn 2003 by the European standard EN 14175, and/or was
supplemented. Since December 2004 now also the fourth part of this EN
standard is valid. In this part different suburb testing methods are
described.These examinations were allowed for safety reasons a very high meaning
and therefore in accordance with relevant regulations and guidelines
only by adept and/or qualified persons be accomplished. Since the
examinations must be accomplished in accordance with mentioned above
standard repeated, here, depending upon check extent, very much
workload is bound necessarily and. A misalignment of these
examinations to a suitable, external and independent Dienstleister can
be quite meaningful from economic criteria. The calibration
specialists of Testo industrial services have the necessary expertise
and the highly exact equipment around the important task of the
safety-relevant examinations standard to accomplish.Without dealing more in greater detail with the detailed demands for
standard, the following main parts of a meaningful, regular
examination crystallize: General visual inspection of the
safety-relevant condition mechanical examination; Control of the front
slidegate valve mechanics determination of the flowing in speed at the
front slidegate valve opening determination of the exhaust air volume
stream (connected load as regards ventilation) the examinations of the
aerial engineering function are from very great importance. If this is
the only one nevertheless, safe possibility, of guaranteeing the
correct function mode of the departure. Even the often inserted
continuous monitorings are not necessarily a guarantor for the correct
enterprise of the exhaust air distance.Allegedly functioning laboratory departures are not used unknowingly
rarely - the possible consequences can be substantial. So that the
result of these investigations as regards ventilation has existence,
also the used measuring instruments and measuring procedures for this
task must be suitable beside adept test personnel. The equipment used
for measurement must on the one hand intact and further valid, as well
as to be restorable calibrated. For the measurement an impeller
anemometer with large diameter and small approach speed can be used,
as well as a heat wire anemometer. If the measurement with an impeller
anemometer is accomplished, even the approach characteristic and the
measured value-dependent error must be considered with apparently
simple impellers. The more exact method is the measurement with the
heat wire anemometer. With the employment of this probe the measuring
person must know the behavior of the flow probe exactly.Beyond that the examiner must possess sufficiently experience with the
application of these measuring techniques. An error of up to 20% or
more is quite possible during incorrect messdurchfuehrung - with
devastating effects on the total result. From the safety thought
regarded this is not critical, because the errors always certify a too
low measured value. The operator will be interested however from
economic view in the fact that its departures become "badly examined"
not falsely and it must draw operational conclusions from it. By
laboratory departures long clearly that it, not least for the
protection of its coworkers, has the obligation, depending upon result
of the examination, the use of the plants is to be released or limited
to each operator. Finally those is conscientiously and completely led
documentation a safe measure for the quality of the examinations.Apart from a clear and comprehensible identification of the laboratory
departure also the operational sequence of the entire examination
should have to be recognized. This contains the test catalog which was
used exactly the same as the accomplished range of the examination. A
respectablly issued documentation takes furthermore to purchase to
assigned test and aids and describes reproducibly the expiration of
the procedure. A conformity statement on the document, as well as
marking the examined departure by a plaque are natural, are here
however the completeness because of mentioned. In summary it can be
said that a safety-relevant aspect is the basis for the standard
examination of laboratory departures, with which very responsibly be
gone around must. Reliably the expenditure of these examinations is
very extensive.The security situation should induce however each operator from
laboratory departures to select a high standard and not with
"abgespeckten itself" cheap solution contently to give.
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