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IHK Zertifikatslehrgang: Reinraum service technician in with technical instruction-oh-point

In the Pharmabereich the demand in the PIC exists - GMP manual the fact that persons with appropriate technical instruction-oh-point for the support from pure space devices and lay close be used should. These technical instruction-oh-point demands the professional association in the instruction card B011 ("safe working on micro-biological safety work benches") for persons, who test and examine these work benches. The for this necessary expertise is arranged for you in this training course. After the existed examinations you receive the necessary technical instruction oh way. That is arranged for you: • Grundlagen clean-room technology, pure space plants and filter technology • Normen and regulations • DIN 12980, DIN 1946, DIN EN 12469 (micro-biological, cytostatic drugs and pure work benches), VDI 2083,   DIN ISO 14,644, etc..• GMP/PIC/FDA the fluid engineering • Auslegung from pure areas and lay close • Grundlagen the measuring technique and particle measurements • persoenliche preventive measures (pure space clothes, disinfection, aeration, behavior in the pure area) • Grundlagen • DOP/DEHS test, printed, differential pressure monitoring, integration test • Rechtliche bases (equipment safety law, gene TSV, BioStoffV, GefahrstoffV, operating   safetytotal, TRGS 522, etc..) • Praxisteil: The training course mediate theoretical and practical knowledge of the clean-room technology. With practical exercises at a pure area of the class 100 (ISO class 5) and/or GMP class B as well as at a micro-biological safety work bench the measuring techniques for air speed, particle and pressure are obtained. All necessary measuring instruments inclusively the Discus test equipment are available. Own measuring instruments can be bring along.• Seminarziel: The seminar serves the technical qualification as proof as an expert in accordance with the GMP- and FDA guideline, as well as the proof of the technical instruction for service technician/inside, which micro-biological and cytostatic drug  Werkbaenke examine, how he is demanded by the professional association in the instruction card B 011. Conditions: Basic knowledge Reinraum  und of the measuring technique target group: Technicians and engineers of all sections, which possess pure space plants and devices, care for and examine Referent/in: Wolfgang H. Meal (technical concerned landlord, member in standardization committees for DIN 12980 and DIN ISO 14,644, scientific adviser for the professional association) & lecturer team payment: 1.999,00 € for 40 lessons (max. 12 persons) training course 1: Date: 05.11.2007 - 09.11.2007   Mo-Fr of 09:00 - 16:30 o'clock identification number: U006-ZN307 (training course place: IHK Neuss)   Internet: www.wb training course 2: Date: 14.04.2008 - 18.04.2008   Mo-Fr of 09:00 - 16:30 o'clock identification number: U006-ZN108 (training course place: IHK Neuss)   Internet: information: Telephone 02151 635 - 455 fax 02151 635 - 378 E-Mail


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Hydroflex Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Ecolab Buchta