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Vector kinematics

A new dimension of dynamic cleaning

Die neue MAFAC Vektorkinematik ermöglicht eine vielfältige Beaufschlagung der Bauteileoberflächen aus verschiedensten Winkeln. / The new MAFAC vector kinematics permits a wide range of different angles for the application onto the component surfaces.
Die neue MAFAC Vektorkinematik ermöglicht eine vielfältige Beaufschlagung der Bauteileoberflächen aus verschiedensten Winkeln. / The new MAFAC vector kinematics permits a wide range of different angles for the application onto the component surfaces.
Grundlage des neuen Verfahrens ist ein schwenkendes UND rotierendes Düsenrohr. / The new process is based on a rocking AND rotating nozzle tube.
Grundlage des neuen Verfahrens ist ein schwenkendes UND rotierendes Düsenrohr. / The new process is based on a rocking AND rotating nozzle tube.
Besonders Werkstücke mit komplex aufgebauten Geometrien wie Bohrungen und Hinterschneidungen profitieren von den zielgerichteten Turbulenzen der MAFAC Vektorkinematik. / Workpieces with complex geometries such as drilled holes and undercuts, in particular, benefit from the targeted turbulences of MAFAC vector kinematics.
Besonders Werkstücke mit komplex aufgebauten Geometrien wie Bohrungen und Hinterschneidungen profitieren von den zielgerichteten Turbulenzen der MAFAC Vektorkinematik. / Workpieces with complex geometries such as drilled holes and undercuts, in particular, benefit from the targeted turbulences of MAFAC vector kinematics.
Besonders Werkstücke mit komplex aufgebauten Geometrien wie Bohrungen und Hinterschneidungen profitieren von den zielgerichteten Turbulenzen der MAFAC Vektorkinematik. / Workpieces with complex geometries such as drilled holes and undercuts, in particular, benefit from the targeted turbulences of MAFAC vector kinematics.
Besonders Werkstücke mit komplex aufgebauten Geometrien wie Bohrungen und Hinterschneidungen profitieren von den zielgerichteten Turbulenzen der MAFAC Vektorkinematik. / Workpieces with complex geometries such as drilled holes and undercuts, in particular, benefit from the targeted turbulences of MAFAC vector kinematics.
Bei Reinigungsverfahren mit starrem Düsensystem überwiegen die nicht beaufschlagten Teileregionen (rot) gegenüber optimal beaufschlagten Flächen (grün). / In cleaning processes with a rigid nozzle system, the partial regions which are not exposed (red) outweigh those which are optimally exposed (green).
Bei Reinigungsverfahren mit starrem Düsensystem überwiegen die nicht beaufschlagten Teileregionen (rot) gegenüber optimal beaufschlagten Flächen (grün). / In cleaning processes with a rigid nozzle system, the partial regions which are not exposed (red) outweigh those which are optimally exposed (green).
Die MAFAC Vektorkinematik führt dank Winkelvarianz zu einer deutlich besseren Beaufschlagung der Bauteile. Optimal (grün) und teilweise (gelb) beaufschlagte Regionen überwiegen deutlich gegenüber unerreichten Stellen (rot). / Thanks to angular variance, the MAFAC vector kinematics leads to a significantly better exposure of the components. Optimally (green) and partially (yellow) exposed regions clearly outweigh unreached locations (red).
Die MAFAC Vektorkinematik führt dank Winkelvarianz zu einer deutlich besseren Beaufschlagung der Bauteile. Optimal (grün) und teilweise (gelb) beaufschlagte Regionen überwiegen deutlich gegenüber unerreichten Stellen (rot). / Thanks to angular variance, the MAFAC vector kinematics leads to a significantly better exposure of the components. Optimally (green) and partially (yellow) exposed regions clearly outweigh unreached locations (red).
Restschmutz eines Bauteils, das mit einem Reinigungsverfahren mit starrem Düsensystem behandelt wurde. / Residual dirt of a component that was treated with a cleaning method using a rigid nozzle system.
Restschmutz eines Bauteils, das mit einem Reinigungsverfahren mit starrem Düsensystem behandelt wurde. / Residual dirt of a component that was treated with a cleaning method using a rigid nozzle system.
Nahezu partikelfrei: Die Oberfläche eines mit der MAFAC Vektorkinematik gereinigten Bauteils: Das Gewicht der partikulären Verschmutzung ist um 30 % geringer als mit stationärem Spritzrohr. / Almost free from particles: The surface of a component cleaned with MAFAC vector kinematics: The weight of particulate contamination is 30 % lower than with a stationary spray tube.
Nahezu partikelfrei: Die Oberfläche eines mit der MAFAC Vektorkinematik gereinigten Bauteils: Das Gewicht der partikulären Verschmutzung ist um 30 % geringer als mit stationärem Spritzrohr. / Almost free from particles: The surface of a component cleaned with MAFAC vector kinematics: The weight of particulate contamination is 30 % lower than with a stationary spray tube.

MAFAC cleaning machines set global standards in terms of cleaning quality, efficiency and application diversity. The patented process technology of counter- or co-rotating movements of spraying system and basket receptacle system is a crucial component of this corporate success. MAFAC has further developed this kinematic system approach and presents the patented MAFAC vector kinematics, an extended cleaning process that provides even more movement and thus faster cleaning and drying.

MAFAC vector kinematics - more movement and greater effectiveness

In contrast to the process in a rigid nozzle system, the workpieces are not hit at one specific but from many different angles. The nozzle tube performs both a rotating and a rocking movement. The rocking movement is performed around its own axis by 35° to either side – the basket receptacle system rotates synchronously at an optimally adapted speed. The Maviatic controller of the machines calculates the movement of the basket rotation beforehand, whereby co- and counter-rotation are both possible. Real impact tests showed that this coordinated interaction of nozzle tube and basket movement achieves a considerably more effective impact on the part to be cleaned. Compared to rigid systems, the particle quantity is reduced by up to 70 % while the cycle time remains the same. This means that, in relation to Sinner's circle, vector kinematics leads to a better cleaning result in the same time or to the same result in a shorter time due to the larger mechanical part.

Innovative technology for more flexibility

In particular, manufacturers of complex workpieces with geometries and surfaces that can be reached in different ways benefit from this innovative process. The various angles of impact lead to significantly less spray shadows, so that excessive cleaning of easily accessible component regions with valuable resources is avoided. The entire cleaning process is more efficient and more economical as undercuts and blind holes are already reached during spray-cleaning. Previously, this was only possible in the flooding process. In the future, users will also be able to react with significantly greater flexibility to a wide range of parts or to changes in the part program: Thanks to the high angle variance, a large variety of significantly different workpiece batches can be processed - from standard operation to sophisticated and varied angular application. The new MAFAC vector kinematics permits an effective execution of many cleaning tasks.

The new process can be integrated as an option in the MAFAC JAVA and MAFAC PALMA machine types, without any further adjustments.  

MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
72275 Alpirsbach


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