Up-to-date: DIN 18650 for door plants - the security of automatic
doors is the center of attention
Aktuell: DIN 18650 für Türanlagen - Die Sicherheit von Automatiktüren steht im Vordergrund
Automatic doors enjoy of increasing popularity. The advantages are
obvious: A high measure of security, protection, comfort, reliability
and cost saving. And day for day over in the enterprise of automatic
doors an optimal security to guarantee at any time, was created now -
with DIN 18650 - a new safety standard. This DIN standard for
automatic door plants entered into force 1.12.2005 with a transition
period since that to 30.6.2006. The world market leader inseminate
reacted to it fast and consistently with changes in the capacity with
consultation, products and start-up: First of all, the security of
door plants is the center of attention with always inseminates. With a
subject-related "safety evaluation" all risks are evaluated together
with the operator systematically and with start-up through inseminate
consistently examined.This "safety evaluation" makes a differentiated adjustment after for
safety precautions possible needs of different ranges of application:
1. Working places, office, OI halls, manufacturing plants - 2. General
public range, like food retail trade, stations, airports, hotels - 3.
Public range with predominant use by old/frail humans and/or
obstructed: Hospitals, old and nursing homes. That in a nursing home
higher safety requirements are considered than in a hotel or in
offices are obvious and with the selection of the safety precautions
are considered. Secondly, offers inseminate the following technical
measures for the risk security on: The constructional avoidance of
critical positions (for example Scherstellen). The delimitation of the
dynamic forces and the speed during the door movement. The monitoring
of the door movement - for example by supervised sensors.Thirdly, inseminate already makes available with the offer a "safety
evaluation". This "safety warrant of apprehension" accompanies the
order up to start-up by an authorized specialized enterprise and
considers all necessary preventive measures. Automatic doors are
economically, attractive and comfortable. They captivate by function
and aesthetics. By a subject-related "safety evaluation" due to DIN
18650 all aspects of a door plant are analyzed and specified to step
for step the necessary security measures. Thus operators and users get
an optimal security guarantee. One gets further information under
www.besam.de or under sicherheitscheck@besam.de inseminates GmbH Silke
Partsch storage race 45 D-64807 the castle telephone: (0 60 71) 2 08-2
11 • fax: -1 11 www.besam.de
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