- Trade fair
Cleanzone 2019 offers more in the field of plant engineering
One of the focal points of this year's Cleanzone is the design, planning and construction of modern production facilities in which contamination – be it micro-organisms, particulate or molecular contamination – is rigorously controlled.
Numerous companies from the field of plant engineering will be at the trade fair in Frankfurt on 19 and 20 November 2019 to exhibit their concepts and solutions for increasing both product quality and production efficiency in cleanrooms within modern production facilities. Kerstin Horaczek, Group Show Director for Technology at Messe Frankfurt, explains: “We are delighted that we have been able to expand the range of products and services on offer in this area. This means that all visitors who are planning new production facilities or looking to overhaul their existing systems will find even more professional partners, contacts and expertise at the trade fair.”
The plant engineering offering includes not only planning and construction services, but also ceiling and lighting systems, building management systems, ventilation and air-conditioning technology, airlock systems, laminar flow modules, mini-environments, cleanroom workstations and cleanroom flooring. Exhibitors in this product field include Asys, Cleanroom Competence,cleanroom.de, Colandis, Daldrop + Dr. Ing. Huber, Dittel Engineering, Drees + Sommer, Egon Buchta, Friedrich Sailer, Klima Systeme 2000, Metisafe Cleanroom and Biosafety, MK Versuchsanlagen, nora systems, Ortner Reinraumtechnik, Viessmann Technologies, Weiss Klimatechnik, ROM Technik, Siemens and Verein Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau 3000 (VIP3000), a group promoting the interests of those involved in pharmaceutical construction.
Josef Ortner from Ortner Reinraumtechnik in Austria knows how important Cleanzone can be for these companies: “I think Cleanzone is a very, very important trade fair. Cleanzone has the potential to create focal points, be it technological focal points, markets, or knowledge in very specialised fields. The Cleanzone trade fair can do this very well.”
At Cleanzone 2019, companies from the field of plant engineering will be showcasing innovations designed to increase production efficiency. Digitalisation and automation are already helping to optimise processes in cleanrooms. Data generation, data organisation and data exchange are all prerequisites for enabling AI-based systems to react flexibly to changes – such as ventilation systems that adapt their air volume to the average number of employees at particular times during the day. Thanks to the use of smart simulations in advance, it is possible to eliminate some problems during the planning phase. The requirements for clean environments can vary according to the product, the desired quality and requirements for employee protection. Cleanzone exhibitors will be offering new approaches and solutions based on flexible modules, tents, mini-environments and innovative covers for machines, in keeping with the motto: “Cleanrooms do not have to be expensive.” The trade fair will be accompanied by a high-calibre supporting programme. You will find the latest information on the events at www.cleanzone.messefrankfurt.com/events.
Before Cleanzone opens its doors in Frankfurt in November, the second Cleanzone Middle East will be taking place in Abu Dhabi on 18 and 19 September. This conference and exhibition is focused on the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa, bringing together the manufacturers of cleanroom technology and equipment with user industries.
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
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60327 Frankfurt am Main
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email: anja.diete@messefrankfurt.com
Internet: https://cleanzone.messefrankfurt.com