GMP laboratories in the S2-S3 range
Mr. dipl. Ing. Steffen Roehm Alexander of the MCRT GmbH in Heuchelheim
holds S4 "in the framework of the seminar" planning and building of
pure space laboratories of the protection and safety stages S1 - by
2.03.2005 a lecture. The seminar is aligned by the MLT- medicine and
laboratory technology, Frankfurt in the Novotel Frankfurt town center
west. Mr. Roehm Roehm-Alexander tries before the background of his per
finds professional experience with GMP fair pure areas to make the
regulatorischen conditions for the building of pure areas
transparency. From the planning phase over the structural and
requirements according to device to the most diverse safety stages the
adviser leads to some sample applications from practice. Inform about Registrations to the MLT seminar directly under: Www.mlt
MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH
35452 Heuchelheim