Powtech and TechnoPharm
Fair duo successfully in Nuernberg terminated also over 15,000
specialized visitors went the trade fair group Powtech/TechnoPharm
after three days running time successfully in Nuernberg to end. Good
resonance received also Award to the for the first time lent
innovation. Press Rummel with the award innovation of the Award. On
the POWTECH/TechnoPharm 2007 Award was assigned to the innovation for
the first time. More than 50 applicants had applied with their current
products. 25 companies in the closer selection, 12 finalists and 5
enterprises, which created it to "primus the inter of pares". That was
the result from PROCESS and its sister magazine ' bulk material '
expenditure-praised innovation Awards. For the honor the innovation
degree and economy for the users, accompanying with it, were
important. Besides the development could not be older than one year
and the product should on fairs issued and at short notice available
be.New specialized information transfer PROCESS placed the official fair
newspaper of the Powtech/TechnoPharm and was represented even with
conditions, in order to present the new Business-effizienz-portal
www.process.de. The possibility of being able to make high-quality
specialized information available potential customers multimedially
coupled with up to date reporting and expert contributions from the
industry, was taken up very positively by the visitors. The free
Sevice of the side required only a registration and offers for it
access to Whitepaper and CO as well as the use of strongly
individualizable news services. Visitor plus on both fairs the
NuernbergMesse can refer to good numbers. Approximately 1000
exhibitors, of it 28 per cent from the foreign country, presented
their products and offers approximately from 27 to 29 March in the
halls around mechanical process engineering and process technologies.With the numbers of visitors a clear increase appears: "a plus of 13
per cent with the visitors - which shows that our additional visitor
actions fastened fully", are pleased Claus Raettich, member of the
management of the NuernbergMesse. About 600 international participants
informed in the accompanying Partec congress about the newest
realizations in the particle technology. International meeting place
the two thematically complementary trade fairs Nuernberg made the fair
center the international meeting place for procedure technicians,
process engineers and production managers from the different
industries, like chemistry, Pharma, Food, stone ground connection and
ceramic(s). The tendency in the halls was very good - the exhibitors
of the fair group particularly stressed the quality, authority and
investment joy of the specialized visitors.Large spectrum of use the spectrum of use of mechanical process
engineering in almost all industries of the industry is characterizing
for the Powtech. The trade fair with their 714 exhibitors (2005: 682
exhibitors) is since many years for all manufacturers and operators of
plants of the powders -, granulates and bulk material technology and
particle analytics the guidance fair. The trade fair TechnoPharm again
is the technology forum for manufacturers of sterile plants and
hygiene components on the one hand and planners as well as plant
operators in the Pharma -, Food and Kosmetikindustrie on the other
hand. Also it had to book a strong visitor plus: 288 exhibitors came
2007 on the TechnoPharm, this are a plus of nearly ten per cent
opposite the last TechnoPharm 18 months ago ago. Date note the next
Powtech/TechnoPharm takes place from 30 September to 2 October 2008 in
Nuernberg. Author: Dr.Joerg Kempf