Automatic doors after the newest state of the art fulfill highest
requirements. Nevertheless it can come at any time to an incident at
the door, for example by damage, break-down, Vandalismus or technical
defects. And nobody wants to stand before locked doors, therefore fast
remedy is very important. Clearly, the service for the door plant is
called immediately. With a prominent manufacturer as inseminate is
possible to each time, day and night - naturally also at sunning and
holidays. With inseminate the service degree by the employment of
modern technologies again one optimized now. Of the service Hotline
the information is entered immediately into a data base, which is to
the service technician on-line at the disposal. Inseminates Field
vision computer sends automatically a report over a SDSL dedicated
line to a telecommunications enterprise, which passes the data on over
a GPRS network on the PDA of the service technician.This procedure takes few seconds in practice only. That inseminate
service technicians sees on his PDA immediately all data: Apart from
the failure report and the location also all technical data,
installation date, maintenance reference and such a thing. It is thus
in the best way informed, if it arrives locally. After the repair the
service technician enters all data into his PDA: blocked spare parts,
arrival time, work time etc. and in real time are updated in the data
base all data. The customer needs to sign then only directly on the
PDA, the service technician presses a key and immediately keeps the
customer by E-Mail the signed service report sent and can him store.
All maintenance procedures are by the way collected digital box on the
Field vision computer in a virtual, all wartungsintervalle are stored
and maintenance patterns compiled automatically.Even special situations and requirements are considered thereby (e.g.
opening times). That leads to a higher Effzienz and to an accurate
adherence to all indiviuellen requirements. Therefore it recommends to
lock itself immediately after installation of a new automatic door a
servicing contract. That saves time and costs and always provides for
a perfect condition of the door plants. If fast assistance is
necessary, then high technical authority and market experience are in
demand. Only prominent enterprises can ensure that reliably. One gets
further information about the service innovation "Field vision" of
field inseminates GmbH Silke Partsch storage race 45
D-64807 the castle telephone: (0 60 71) 2 08-2 11 • fax: -1 11
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