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Economic situation accelerates expectations at Hanover fair - as many micro and nano-companies as ever do not show trends and new products

The trade fair Microtechnology shows the large topics the Hanover fair such as energy, automation and mechanical engineering in the small one: From the micro gas cell over nano-structures for the solar technology up to the micro assembly 60 enterprises and institutes on the product market present "micro, nano, materials" of products of the future technologies. The community conditions are organized by the IVAM professional association for micro technology. From 16 to 20 April the Microtechnology/Hannover fair maximum performances of the micro and nano-industry shows. The good economic situation settles in the demand: "are clearly more enterprises represented than in the last year, which was already very successful", is pleased a iv-to managing director Dr. Uwe Kleinkes. Altogether to Hanover the fair 200,000 visitors are expected. On the altogether very well booked industrial exhibition the last places for the micro and nano-range straight will assign.

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