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IVAM - Professional association for micro technology

IVAM - Fachverband für Mikrotechnik
IVAM - Fachverband für Mikrotechnik
IVAM is an international network with approximately 250 members from the ranges micro technology, nano-technology and new materials. IVAM pursues the goal of making the technological developments in these areas of a broad public well-known and marked out. The network supports above all small and medium-size enterprises to go with innovative products to the market. Beyond that IVAM co-operates closely with national and international mechanisms, which are active in the area of the transfer of technology. IVAM obtain international business contacts as well as enterprise and development co-operation. For the network partners and all other prospective customers organize IVAM common fair appearances as well as Workshops, seminars, Business-stammtische and the Dortmunder buzzer School micro technology. IVAM is publisher of the Hightech magazine "inno" as well as the news type character MikroMedia and NeMa-news.Besides IVAM announces the products and developments of its members by appearances in the technical literature. The InterNet platforms of IVAM ( contain current information to micro technology, nano-technology and new materials, left to all members and the world-wide unique MST Suchmaschine www.mst IVAM accompanies establishments of an enterprise, supports small and medium-size enterprises with the Akquise of conveyances, provides market studies and trend analyses.

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Buchta Becker Systec & Solutions GmbH PMS