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Vaisala Becker HJM Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH

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M+W Zander: Order for the building of the ErSol Solarzellenfabrik in Arnstadt

The M+W Zander FE GmbH, Stuttgart, received a further order for general purchaser from the Erfurter Photovoltaikkonzern ErSol solarly to Energy AG. Afterwards the Stuttgart plant farmer for ErSol provides the new factory for the production of monocrystalline Silzium solar cells in Arnstadt (Thuringia) with a nominal capacity of 120 MWp. By the new, ready for occupancy provided work can the ErSol group their jaehrliche Zellproduktionskapazitaet on 220 megawatts in the year 2008 increase. The project is realized by M+W Zander in a very short period: Already in May 2007 is to begin the installation machinery and still in the second yearly half production start. The complete sales order volume including machines is with 45 millions euro. Apart from the order for the solar cell work in Arnstadt, assigned now, M+W Zander realizes momentarily a further project for ErSol. In Erfurt a new factory for thin section solar modules develops since in the middle of 2006.There end of last yearly could be already begun with the installation of the machines after five-month construction period. For M+W Zander FE managing director Robert Gattereder gave the date loyalty "the excursion for the second order for general purchaser, taken place shown with the Erfurter to project, now. From the experiences in Erfurt we could besides for the work in Arnstadt together with the customer still more efficient solutions develop. Thus our co-operation of many years is continued to strengthen." The M+W Zander FE GmbH, an enterprise of the M+W Zander group operating world-wide, is active in Europe and the Mediterranean area. The power spectrum covers the planning and the building of Hightech plants for customers from the semiconductor and flat screen production, the Photovoltaikindustrie and the energy sector. In the Photovoltaiksektor the enterprise counts just like within the semiconductor range to the market leaders when planning and ready for occupancy building of manufacturing plants.Altogether the M+W Zander group converted 1.5 billion euro in the year 2005 with world-wide approximately 7000 coworkers about ( The ErSol company ( produces and drives Photovoltaikprodukte out. After the acquisition of the ASi Industries GmbH ErSol is active in the emphasis in the creation of value stages Ingot and wafer production and solar cell manufacturing. Besides the ErSol group engages itself also in the range of thin section module production and acts with modules over its daughter aimex solarly GmbH. Derzeit employs the enterprise more than 400 coworkers. ErSol pursues the goal of being established as manufacturers of qualitatively high-quality silicon solar cells leading world-wide further and of achieving thus lastingly appropriate yields and of participating superproportionally on the expected growth of the market for silicon solar cells.In addition the enterprise concentrates on technologically fastidious stages of the creation of value chain for photovoltaische plants, in particular the production of Ingots, Wafern and solar cells.

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