Checkpoint automatic doors - so one can examine the security of door
plants themselves
Checkpoint Automatiktüren - So kann man die Sicherheit von Türanlagen selbst überprüfen
Automatic doors win more rightfully ever at popularity. They are
economically, attractive and comfortable. The safety aspects are
however often neglected. Defective ones at automatic doors nearly
always lead to operational disturbances, annoyance and material
losses. Here a regular safety check can protect bad surprises... This
first examination can implement everyone completely simply. How goes,
one experiences free Booklet "safety check of automatic doors" in one
- now revised again -, which might be rather singular. The tests take
only few minutes - time, which one should invest in any case. Because
this safety check compiled with much love for the detail of
inseminate. Each point of check becomes alone already understandable
because of a precise diagram. A short, concise description describes
in addition each test unit. Like that is easy for everyone to
reconstruct.Previous knowledge is not necessary for it. The small, thought test
row out is enough from the automatic movement alarm unit over the
rubber borders up to the emergency stop. In addition there is still
planning advice for optimal door security. Because - fundamental
safety factors should be considered in the planning phase of the door
plant. For example the process of the traffic routes, the direction of
the approximation to the doors as well as the motion travel of the
doors. "the safety check is not only a calming for the conscience",
says Stefan Harder, managing director of inseminates. to "sound law
operator of door plants - in the accident - for special and personal
injuries clings." According to safety experts maintenance lacking is
the striking PUR-THING of safety lack with door plants. Regular safety
checks are indispensable. Safety check which one accomplish, can only
a first small step can be, in order to receive a view of the existing
systems.All further must take a competent and experienced technician into the
hand. I.e.. - apart from half-yearly necessary maintenance the door
plants should be examined at least once in the month. Wear and/or
possible damage can be so promptly recognized and eliminated. And
naturally also the life span of door plants increases and minimizes
latent risk. The safety check of inseminate shows you, with which
simple means one can examine the security of the own door plants and
how one discovered safety gaps closes correctly. One gets the free
Booklet "safety check of automatic doors" over the E-Mail: inseminate GmbH Silke Partsch storage race
45 D-64807 the castle telephone: (0 60 71) 2 08-2 11 • fax: -1 11
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