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Merck (France): CFD flow visualization helps to solve problems with condensation in pure area

Merck KGaA (France) and the FLOVENT Modeling services Group stood directly before several challenges: They should simulate die Konzeption a pure area and evaluate, the cause out for a condensation problem find and a practicable,  wirtschaftlich favorable solution suggest to repair um dieses problem with smallest effects on the enterprise of the pure area  all this with current production. The software FLOVENT, which was used for the analysis, works with one mathematischen Simulation on the basis of the CFD technology (Computational fluid Dynamics). This procedure simulates the behavior of gases und Fluessigkeiten for an exact computation of enviromental influences such as air flows, heat exchange and the distribution von Verunreinigungen in the three-dimensional area.Engineers of Flomerics provided an exact computer model of the pure area with Merck with all important geometrical und physikalischen conditions like the arrangement of the boilers, the diffusers installed at the cover for the supply of the area mit Reinstluft and the openings for sucking air off in low height. On the basis this model they produced anschliessend eine number of three-dimensional representations for the visualization of the Luftstroemungen und of the moisture distribution in the area. The simulation in FLOVENT made fast clear that the water vapour with the Warmluft nach ascending over the opened boilers was transported above and at the cover condensed. The suction openings in bodenhoehe could hardly prevent that die feuchte air reached the cover. Closer investigations resulted in that additional suction openings in larger height das Kondensationsproblem could prevent.The position of these openings became now with further Simulationen in FLOVENT optimiert. Dabei showed up that the water vapour was not sufficiently diluted with to high position of the openings, before it the Decke erreichte. Too low attached, they could not prevent that the warm air at them moved by and reached the cover. With diesen Erkenntnissen and the recommendations of Flomerics one could make the necessary changes with Merck and solve the Problem wirtschaftlich, without interrupting the normal enterprise. Detailed information to CFD flow visualization in pure areas receives you also under 0049 (0)711 77915 50. Flomerics Ltd. Niederlassung Germany partner: Torsten Jaeschke, dipl. Ing.


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