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Pure area for Pharma and industry in practice -

3. Symposium of the VIP 3000: Obligation date of the industry the association interest community Pharmabau (short VIP) organized in connection with its member enterprises, to which also the MCRT GmbH belongs, on 21./22. September 2006 the symposium of this year at the Testo AG in Lenzkirch this Veran¬staltung gemausert itself meanwhile for the most important meeting of the industry. To the topic pure areas for Pharma and industry are addressed all users, planners, Ausruester and suppliers from the Pharma¬industrie. The 3. Symposium of the VIP 3000 (association Interessen¬gemeinschaft Pharmabau 3000) stands on 21 and 22 September 2006 in the Konferenz¬zentrum of the Testo AG in Lenzkirch, Black Forest, on the program. Among other things Mr. Dipl.Ing holds. Michael property not of the MCRT GmbH a lecture on "Design criteria of the pure spatial arrangement".In addition further Praxis¬berichte over planning, building and qualification of pharmazeuti¬scher Einrich¬tungen with advisers is among other things of Altana, Zentaris and Merck emphasis of the symposium of this year. Registrations to the symposium are possible in the InterNet under

Reinräume für Pharma und Industrie in der Praxis ?

Further information

MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH
35452 Heuchelheim


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