- Trade fair
Cleanroom technology: A key element for modern medical technology
Medical technology and cleanrooms are two sides of the same coin. In our interview, Professor Burkhard Stolz, Department Head and Course Advisor for Medical Technology at OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences, Amberg-Weiden in Bavaria, discusses the importance of cleanrooms for his field.
Mr. Stolz, you are the Head of the Medical Technology Department. What is the importance of cleanroom technology to your course of studies?
Burkhard Stolz: “In the medical and pharmaceutical fields, cleanroom technology has become an established part of the production environments that are essential to a wide range of products. As a result, cleanroom technology is an important topic in both our bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. Thanks to the fact that we operate an ISO class 7 cleanroom at the Weiden campus of OTH Amberg-Weiden, we are able not only to explain this technology to them, but to let them experience it for themselves. It is an opportunity that we take advantage up by offering a course of practical training in the bachelor’s programme. In the master’s programme, cleanroom technology forms an independent module that addresses both the theoretical and practical elements.”
What are the biggest challenges facing modern medical technology and what role does cleanroom technology have to play?
Burkhard Stolz: “Regulatory and quality requirements for medical products will only grow stricter in future, and that means that cleanroom technology will play a crucial role in ensuring product safety. These special production environments are very cost-intensive, so the focus will be on measures to reduce energy consumption. People will naturally continue to be active in cleanrooms as well. This is an area in which the training and qualifications of personnel play a major role, as does the production environment itself. The key will be to make working in a cleanroom attractive – by designing more appealing settings and providing better training in all areas.”
OTH Amberg-Weiden has already been an exhibitor at Cleanzone on multiple occasions. What is it about this trade fair that appeals to you?
Burkhard Stolz: “Cleanzone has established itself as an international meeting place for the industry in a central location that is an extremely good fit for the busy calendars of its visitors. I am very impressed by the event’s concept, which combines a trade fair with specialist presentations and various fields of communication. It offers something for established firms, as well as for newcomers to the field of cleanroom technology. We also appreciate the event’s professional planning and execution, as well as our good relationship with the trade fair team.”
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