- Furnishing & equipment
Accredited CO2 Calibration for Quality and Compliance
Accurate carbon dioxide measurement helps maintain correct pH-levels in cell cultivation and optimal indoor or process air in general. Accredited calibration helps you to prove continuous accuracy for the measurement.
Organizations working in the life science or FDA regulated industries now have the optimal calibration solution for their high quality CO2 measurement probes in Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide GMP250 Series, namely accredited CO2 calibration.
Later during 2018, the service will be available for the GMP220 Series as well.
In addition to three preselected calibration points, it is possible to select up to six operationally critical calibration points within the total range from 0…20% (200.000 ppm). Our calibration engineers optimize the calibration service ranges and default calibration points for each Vaisala instrument in question. The calibration includes as-found and as-left results as well as adjustment for the best accuracy.
Vaisala’s accredited CO2 calibration service covers all the requirements set by the regulatory bodies, helping to ensure compliance and process quality. Finnish Accreditation Service (FINAS), a member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), audits Vaisala calibration services regularly by assessing the quality and management systems and the technical capabilities to perform the service, like measurement traceability to the international SI-units and measurement uncertainty. You can be sure to get the best possible calibration for your Vaisala instruments at our service center.
Vaisala GmbH
Rheinwerkallee 2
53227 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 249710
Fax: +49 228 2497111
email: vertrieb@vaisala.com
Internet: http://www.vaisala.de