M+W Zander builds new ErSol solar module factory within seven months
The M+W Zander FE GmbH, Stuttgart, received the order for planning and
the building of the new ErSol of thin section module work in Erfurt.
The order value lies in the lower two digit million-euro-range. As a
general purchaser M+W Zander will ready for occupancy provide the new
work within approximately seven months to at the end of January 2007
("ready for equipment"). Up to the summer of the next yearly ErSol a
manufacturing area from 6,000 square meters is to stand to the
production from silicon thin section modules to the order. For 2008
the ErSol group planned the gradual structure of a manufacturing
capacity for thin section modules of annually 40 megawatts maximum
performance (MWp). With these modules the active layer is thinner
around more as hundredfold than with conventional crystalline modules.
Thus the thin section technology a substantial Einsparpotenzial offers
silicon with the consumption of the anyway limited raw material.With appropriate market growth there is large ErSol area in Erfurt
also the possibility for the further development of the work on that
approximately 35,000 square meters.