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Unique scope of UV LED technologies and applications presented in Berlin: ICULTA-2018

The first-ever ‘International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications’ (ICULTA-2018) is dealing with UV LED developments along the whole value chain. At the international conference, the state of the art of UV LED technology and trends are discussed. The conference will be held from April 22 to 25, 2018 at the MELIÃ hotel in Berlin, Germany and is jointly organized by the German consortium ‘Advanced UV for Life’ and the ‘International Ultraviolet Association’.

"The scope of the conference is really unique, bringing together researchers in the area of semiconductor materials and UV LEDs as well experts covering a wide range of applications including water purification, UV curing, plant growth lighting, phototherapy and medical diagnostics," outlined conference co-chair Prof. Michael Kneissl, Executive Director of Institute of Solid State Physics at Technische Universität Berlin and Head of the Joint Lab GaN Optoelectronics at Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, the ICULTA-2018. "We have put together a very exciting program. Even though it is the first conference of its kind, the interest is very good. We expect more than 200 attendees," he added.

ICULTA-2018 includes 4 tutorials, 31 invited presentations and 33 contributed paper plus a poster session on Monday and round table discussion on Tuesday. Conference sessions have been organized along key topics, including ‘Semiconductors & Devices’, ‘Water & Disinfection’, ‘Medical Applications’, ‘Plant Growth & Food’, ‘Spectroscopy’, ‘Measurement’, and ‘UV Curing’. The focus is on the deep UV spectral range, spotlighting progress in materials, device technologies, UV LED modules and systems up to opportunities and challenges with respect to applications.

Weitere Informationen

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH
12489 Berlin


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