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Promote in the pure area

Fördern im Reinraum
Fördern im Reinraum
A clean-spacefair manufacturing makes in particular against the conveying engineering high demands. Thus the movements unavoidable with promoting produce potenziell not only for the products dangerous abrasion, but threaten this besides still uncontrolled to distribute. To the interpretation and the structure of conveyor plants, which are used in pure space ranges, apply therefore special rules, which are to be outlined in the following one briefly. The Trapo AG supplies enterprises of the semiconductor and Pharmaindustrie as well as the medicine and food technology for many years with flow of material solutions. Constructing on the know-how developed from this close co-operation an offer developed, which covers today roller races, trick act ions, belt promoters and stroke act ions for almost all pure classes of area. When desired also Umhausungen or tunnel solutions, only the production-critical climatic and pure ventilation engineering can be supplied always remain in the hands of the customers.Pure-spacefair conveyor plants are rarely standard plants. Although our component system contains many special pure space elements, in most cases an individual adjustment is necessary. Thus in particular the boundary conditions given by the product which can be protected are the center of attention with the first discussion with the customer apart from pure flow of material questions such as transportation volumes, transportation speed and routing. These determine considerably selection of the promotion solution, the drive and material. The most important boundary conditions is the pure class of area. Pure space classifications the classification here the particle of a certain size per unit volume is made by the number. Far common here the American Federal standard 209, after which 1000 particles correspond to size 0.5 µm and more largely per Kubikfuss of the pure class of area 1000, is 100 particles of the class 100 and so on.Parallel to it applies in the meantime an international standard ISO 14644, which to a volume of a cubic meter refers, puts a more exact allocation of size at the basis and, is besides logarithmically divided, so that the class specified above corresponds to 1000 of the ISO class 6, the class 100 of the ISO class 5. Table 1 compares the two standards. Our conveyor plants are in pure areas to class 10 (ISO 4) to the semiconductor technology, customer of the food technology been sufficient frequently already against it class 10,000 (ISO 7). To the comparison: In a calm office are approximately 1.000.000 (ISO 9) particles. The pure class of area affected considerably the structure promote-strains and in particular the choice of the drive. While during small requirements partially even kettenantriebe are possible, genuine pure areas demand consistently abrasion-poor belt drives and even totally enclosed drive units.Partially special, clean-spacesuitable linear modules are used with the stroke units. Pure-spacefair designing for the actual promote-strains applies independently of the pure class of area general construction principles. So the distance should be as openly as possible arranged, in order to obstruct flowing through, clean air as little as possible. Surfaces, on which dust or particles can to deposit is avoid, for example as preferentially around 45 degrees turned blocked square profiles or aluminum profiles with as much as possible closed slots are used. High pure classes of area demand besides more precise processing and improved cyclic testing, in order to minimize the abrasion and to protect the sensitive product. For the same reason reactive movements are, as them for example by final notices develop, if possible to avoid.A further important point is the maintenance-poor and low-maintenance interpretation of the entire plant. Maintenance work in the pure area is because of the controlled site conditions and the if necessary necessary cleaning extremely time and costly. In addition it comes that Umhausungen and exhausts make the conveyor plants usually with difficulty accessible. The material choice as well as the kind of the surface treatment are determined to a large extent by the product. Thus for example the manufacturing of semiconductors forbids the use of non-ferrous metals, since already smallest impurities could damage or destroy the product by these. Into a food manufacturing against it no greases may be used. During the surface treatment we set in principle on plastic coatings, since chipping off paint particles and following rusting cannot be tolerated.Sometimes even parts of the plant must be umschweisst such as grip arms with PVDF. High-grade steel finds as base material frequently use, depending upon demanded pure class of area with glass beads to radiated or electricalpolished finish. The variety of the represented factors of influence shows that an optimal, clean-spacefair conveying engineering plant can develop only in the close dialogue with the customer. We understand ourselves as a competent partner for the pure space industry, which the vocabulary of the industry knows and can to standards fall back also here.

Further information

48712 Gescher-Hochmoor


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