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The MCRT on the ICCCS 2004 in Bonn

Die MCRT auf der ICCCS 2004 in Bonn
Die MCRT auf der ICCCS 2004 in Bonn
The MCRT GmbH presented itself on the international pure space symposium taking place from 6 to 9 September 2004, congress of the roof federation ICCCS (international Confederation OF Contamination control Societies). The conference under the scientific direction of Dr. Ing. Lothar Gail VDI, chairman of the specialized committee clean-room technology in the VDI and chairman of the ICCCS, stood under the slogan "international authority in the clean-room technology". More than 70 advisers from west and Eastern Europe, North America and Asia, who covered the entire range of the clean-room technology, offered that to nearly 300 participants an overview of the world-wide progress in this technology, in which Germany holds well 30 years after appearance of the first expenditure of the guideline VDI 2083, world-wide one of the first sets of rules (if not the first set of rules) about clean-room technology, still a role of the pioneer.That the VDI aligned this conference by the VDI society technical building equipment (TGA), was for Gail a matter of course. "already in the 70's the VDI developed and created a standard for pure areas at that time a specialized committee clean-room technology. The result found international acknowledgment in the ISO standard 14644-1. So the clean-room technology has already for a long time a firm place in the structure of the VDI ", avowed Gail. The trend goes to third generation of the VDI according to effected definition of the bases with that in the meantime 2083 toward a rule setting, which operated complex operational sequence and systems such as pure space planning, and describes monitoring and so an effective co-operation makes suppliers, operators and Dienstleistern possible in the clean-room technology. The accompanying specialized exhibition with 27 exhibitors from Western Europe pointed out that medium-size enterprises still played an important role.Large enterprises coin/shape the market within the range Pharma and electronics. The clean-room technology is a constantly growing market, and the increasing acceptance of international standards, often developed from pre-working in the VDI,  eroeffnet the industry new perspectives. The next ICCCS was announced 2006 in Peking to take place and on the conference of this year by a Chinese delegation. Further information, also to guidelines and meetings under

MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH
35452 Heuchelheim


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