Sterilisierbares Reinraumwerkzeug - Made in Germany
The pharmaceutical industry makes nowadays very high demands against
materials in sterile production areas to the employment comes. It
plays thereby no role whether it product-affecting construction units
or operational funds e.g. tool concerns. The used construction units
as well as the assigned tools are prepared by routine by means of
sterilization for the next employment, i.e. they go through a
superheated steam autoclave or a hot-air sterilization tunnel/cabinet.
The processes running off there represent an enormously high load for
the used materials. The range of the site conditions with
Sterilistationsvorgaengen is enough from 120°C and 100% rel. Air
humidity (period: 15 - 20 minutes) up to 180°C dry heat (period: 30
minutes). The few at present on the market tool tools present get over
these procedures durably without traces from corrosion to to point.Superheated steam finds its way also by finest hair-cracks, how they
can occur e.g. with chromium-plated surfaces after use. Such "rust
features" place each pure space technician or micro biologist before
the decision with the existing quality (against better knowledge) to
continue to work or the parts concerned by new acquisitions to
replace, in the certainty that it concerns a recurring procedure here.
With the support evenly those pharmaceutical enterprises attempts were
accomplished for the production of noncorrosive tools from various
materials and their behavior/AFTER autopiano processes. Constructing
on analyses of surface effects by the material test institute
Stuttgart was made possible for supplementing surface treatment
procedures the production of almost all tools with most modern
manufacturing and.Characteristic for the tools among other things their very good
cleaning bar is, with approximately 50 RHC the hardness of
conventional tools and the fulfilment of the requirements according to
the valid standards of the tool production. A further not less
important point is the stability opposite disinfectants in any form,
caustic solutions, H2O2 and most acids. The program is rounded off by
werkzeugkoffer, which are inferior in their execution of the quality
of the tool in nothing. Thereby the sterilization process is
simplified, since the tools do not have to be taken out of the
suit-case or be packed individually into the autoclave. The equipment
of the werkzeugkoffer can be adapted individually to the
werkzeugbestueckung. For now 2 years supplies CCI - from Kahlden GmbH
this Werkzeug Made to Germany to a multiplicity of considerable
European companies.Due to the special materials, the complex phases of operation and the
additional surface treatment steps our tools are clearly more
expensive in the acquisition than conventional tools, however a Return
on Invest justifies this price level within one period of 12 - 18
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