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CIM med GmbH celebrates its 10-year anniversary

The CIM med GmbH has a good reason for rejoicing. Over the past 10 years, the company, located in Munich, has grown from a small start-up to one of the leading suppliers of high-quality medical mounting solutions on the international market.  

The success rate is something to be proud of: In 2007, Manuela Deverill and Manfred Rosa launched their company in Unterschleißheim with only four employees and a facility of 420 sqm.  In the beginning, there was an innovative business idea – the development of ergonomic medical mounting solutions which are perfectly tailored to the requirements of the respective user and can be utilized in critical clinical areas such as operating rooms, intensive care units, emergency rooms, or examination rooms. Unique and almost revolutionary in the development of these mounting solutions was, and is the internal cable routing. CIM med® patented this system already in its year of founding. Since then the products, developed and manufactured in Germany, have been further improved. The same applies to the quality management systems which confirm the manufacturer’s high demands relating mainly to hygiene and safety aspects. Since 2017, CIM med GmbH is one of the first suppliers on the market who meets the requirements of the new ISO 13485:2016 guidelines for medical devices.

Managing Director Manuela Deverill is not only proud of the previous development but looks also very optimistic at the coming 10 years.  “We set the course for a successful future. Our production area expanded. Now, the CIM med® mounting solutions are utilized worldwide - in over 40 countries and more than 150,000 mounting solutions installed. With our extraordinarily demanding quality awareness, the high production flexibility, an expert team of - by now - 50 employees as well as short decision-making procedures we are also an attractive partner for big manufacturers of medical technology. This is especially true with regard to the development of specific solutions. Nationally as well as internationally.” 

Over time and specifically in the highly competitive international business it was possible for the Munich-based company to solidly establish itself. For the first time in 2012, the company succeeded in breaking through on the American continent. Additional prestigious major projects followed in 2013, such as in the Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina, as well as in the Kitasato University Oriental Medicine Research Center in Tokyo. In 2016, CIM med’s export rate was already round about 70 percent. The trend for growth continues.  

CIM med GmbH
80939 München


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