Septron bio bio-Safe: World-wide first EDI module with diaphragm
Septron Bio-Safe: Weltweit erstes EDI-Modul mit Membranstufe
With Septron bio bio-Safe offers Christian that world-wide first
electrode ionization module with integrated diaphragm stage. It be
based on the proven, patented spiral spiraltechnologyspiral technology
and is supplemental around a diaphragm unit for the particle and germ
separation. The EDI module is to hot waters as chilled water execution
as well as in a sanitisierbaren version with capacity ranges from 500
to 3,000 l/h at the disposal. Thus does high-purity water leave itself
in Highly Purified wading he quality (HPW) with keimzahlen of in
combination with an upstream reverse osmosis - and without additional
ultrafiltration -? 10 KBE/ 100 ml produce. The module can simply and
fast be completed at existing Osmotron plants. So micro-biological
security can be already increased in the employment of high-purity
water systems present clearly.The chilled water execution of the Septron bio bio-Safe offers the
advantage of high high-purity water quality with small energy costs
and is particularly suitable for Pharma applications, with which
efficiency and small expenditure are in demand. For durable sterility
the exchange of the diaphragm stage, which can be examined if
necessary also for integrity, ensures in the context of routine
maintenance of the high-purity water plant by Christian technicians.
The change takes place contactlessly via a special exchange kit; a GMP
conformal enterprise is in such a way ensured. Interferences by the
user into the plant are not necessary. With the hot water steady bio
bio-Safe SELECT the Sanitisierung of the entire plant inclusive of
upstream process steps takes place with 80 °C, which continues to
increase the system security. Caption: Septron bio bio-Safe is that
world-wide first electrode ionization module with integrated diaphragm
stage.It be based on the patented Christian spiral Christian spiralmodule
technologyspiral module technology and was supplemented around a
diaphragm unit for the particle and germ separation. The EDI module
for the production of HPW is to hot waters as chilled water execution
as well as in a sanitisierbaren version at the disposal. Photo:
Christian Water Technology Group
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