Positive resonance on basan pure space forum
Hardly another range in such a way changed itself in the last years
like the clean-room technology. In particular in the pharmaceutical
industry ever sharper, regulatorische requirements are to ensure
quality-assuring, i.e. GMP fair production. Around its customers
during the technical conversion of the Regulatorien support, basan to
a free pure space forum "GMP fair cleaning and quality assurance in
the pharmaceutical industry" had invited. The resonance was extremely
positive. With 50 participants of considerable European Pharma
companies an interesting meeting took place, which was coined/shaped
by an open and constructional atmosphere. The participants praised and
the high level of the meeting to current and practical lectures of the
advisers. Topics were among other things.Contamination control by pure space clothing, surface disinfection,
cleaning and cleaning validating, the change of the FDA guides for
aseptischen production and the Grundlagen risikoorientierter planning
and execution in the pure area. For the year 2005 further meetings are
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