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M+W Zander is to grow after separation from Jenoptik further

Springwater Capital sold to hold the Jenoptik AG, Jena, its portions to the M+W Zander Holding AG, Stuttgart, to the Investmentgruppe Springwater Capital, to 72.89 per cent of the portions of M+W Zander Geneva/London. The Closing conditions on 18 December 2005 of the closed contract between Jenoptik and Springwater Capital occurred up to the locking financing agreement of the outside capital giver. Without individual conditions one did. The execution of the sales contract is in the process 2. Quarter take place. This publication representatives of the enterprises involved today on the bilanzpressekonferenz of the JENOPTIK AG in Jena. Over the further development with M+W Zander expressed itself Martin Gruschka, establishment partner of the new majority owner Stuttgart technology company optimistically: "we set on a brisk and profitable growth of the M+W Zander group. This is to take place both organically and via Zukaeufe.The enormous increase of the incoming orders around approximately 50 per cent as well as the increase with the order books even around 56 per cent support our growth expectations." Supported by existing strong market position in the core business fields international equipment construction and Facility management count M+W Zander for 2006 on a turnover rise around about 25 per cent on approximately two billion euro, connected with a rise of the Profitabilitaet. Due to further growth in the electronics sector M+W Zander in the business field international equipment construction registers record order books due to its market position. For the business field Facility management is likewise counted on a stable and profitable growth by new customers as well as by expansions of orders by inventory customers.At important subsidiaries as for example M+W Zander Products and LSMW could be obtained 2005 a Turnaround, so that for 2006 likewise on a turnover and an increase in profits one counts there. The range automation (Lang&Peitler, BIAS) will tie also 2006 to the past good growth rates. Within the range information technology with the IT Dienstleister caatoosee AG could be likewise obtained a clear Turnaround. After the purchase price payment at Jenoptik the Investmentgruppe Springwater Capital 72,89 per cent of the portions to the M+W Zander getting thing AG as a guidance company of the M+W Zander group operating world-wide will hold. The remaining 27.11 per cent remain unchanged in the family estate. The transmission of the portions of Springwater Capital as well as the purchase price payment take place shortly.On the bilanzpressekonferenz over the financial year run off Jenoptik for the last time presented also the end-of-year procedure numbers of M+W Zander. These are strongly of the sales of the entrepreneurial group and the associated re-valuation of all business activities as well as affected by the clearing of special topics contained in the sales contract. For 2005 of a mark effects coined/shaped the conversion of the M+W Zander group 1,509.5 millions euro reached numbers. In the year 2004 the conversion still about 2,15 billion euro had been. However still the conversions of the M+W Zander building engineering GmbH with 450 millions euro were contained in this amount. M+W Zander delivered 2005 the majority of the portions at this enterprise, so that the conversions of this society 2005 no more does not wurden. Mit proven 1,098.7 millions euro lay the conversion in the business field international equipment construction something below the previous year level settled around the building engineering (i.Vj. 1,759.1 millions euro).The business field Facility management obtained sales profits at a value of 417,0 millions euro (i.Vj. 408.0 millions euro). The plus amounted to 2.2 per cent, despite the sales of the D.I.B. Personnel services GmbH, whose conversion constituted 2004 approximately 10 millions euro and 2005 were only proportionately contained until Septembers. Organic growth amounted to thus approximately 10 per cent. PUBLIC EXHIBITION FOR MULTIMEDIA of M+W the Zander amounted to minus 34,9 millions euro (i.Vj. plus 46,0 millions euro). In it euro negative special effects from the sales contract specified above are contained for together approximately 70 millions, without which PUBLIC EXHIBITION FOR MULTIMEDIA of M+W the Zander would have lain with approximately 35 millions euro in the plus. Among negative effects the special topics defined in the sales contract rank apart from the costs of the originally planned stock exchange course of a daughter in Singapore. Record with incoming orders and existed the largest special order of enterprise history received M+W Zander with approximately 700 millions euro at the end of of 2005.This order for a chip factory in the Near East contributed considerably to the new record with incoming orders and existed. The incoming orders reached 2,221.0 millions euro (i.Vj. 1.475.0 millions euro). The order books were to at the end of of 2005 with 2.263,5 millions euro (i.Vj. 1,445.6 millions euro). Personnel increase the number of employees rose from 6.607 at the end of of 2004 to 7.204 at the end of of 2005. The increase comes primarily from the range Facility management. Further information: - to the end-of-year procedure: - over Springwater Capital: Springwater Capital is led a private Equity society, from Martin Gruschka and Manilo Marocco. SWC invests into quoted and private enterprises as well as in real estates, which a clear Potenzial has for increase in value. Strategy is it to invest in "champions" who have proven business models and experienced management teams.In particular SWC invests, where worth-increasing measures (including restructuring and acquisitions) are fast and efficiently convertible. Around this strategy to convert SWC has an experienced team with a strong Investment TRACK record. The partners have extensive experiences within ranges private Equity, Investment management and industry. The SWC partners and associated partners pursue a clear "hands on" strategy during the support of their Portfolio enterprises. Among the Investments rank so far among other things ComputecMedia, Medicforma and The Carbo Group. - over M+W Zander: The M+W Zander getting thing AG offers an holistic power spectrum with their subsidiary companies and holding companies world-wide approximately around business building, High Tech production plants and complexcomplex complexes.From advising, tarpaulins and building up to the operation and modernizing the entrepreneurial group accompanies the creation of value chain of real estates and plants from a hand. Main points of work are appropriate for Pharma in the clean-room technology for electronics -, solar -, -, foodstuffs industry and for research establishments, in the production of pure space components, in the building engineering as well as in the Facility management. As technical general contractors takes over M+W Zander the building of manufacturing plants from planning to the ready for occupancy delivery. In the most important business fields M+W Zander ranks among the market leaders: world-wide in the equipment construction electronics, in Europe with the Facility management, in Germany during the technical building equipment as well as with renewable energies.


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