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Hohenstein Group establishes the Hohenstein Health Center

Mit „ARTUS“, dem ARTificial UteruS, haben Wissenschaftler der Hohenstein Institute die weltweit erste künstliche Gebärmutter entwickelt, die frühgeborene Babys mit sensorischen Reizen in ihrer Entwicklung unterstützt. (© Hohenstein Group) / With
Mit „ARTUS“, dem ARTificial UteruS, haben Wissenschaftler der Hohenstein Institute die weltweit erste künstliche Gebärmutter entwickelt, die frühgeborene Babys mit sensorischen Reizen in ihrer Entwicklung unterstützt. (© Hohenstein Group) / With "ARTUS", the ARTificial UteruS, scientists at the Hohenstein Institute in Boennigheim have developed the world's first artificialuterus, which helps premature babies to develop by providing sensory stimulation. (© Hohenstein Group)
Schematische Darstellung der Funktionsweise der künstlichen Gebärmutter „ARTUS“. Die Entwicklung wurde 2015 in der Kategorie „NewApplication“ mit dem „Techtextil Innovation Award“ ausgezeichnet. (© Hohenstein Group) / Diagram showing how the artificial uterus
Schematische Darstellung der Funktionsweise der künstlichen Gebärmutter „ARTUS“. Die Entwicklung wurde 2015 in der Kategorie „NewApplication“ mit dem „Techtextil Innovation Award“ ausgezeichnet. (© Hohenstein Group) / Diagram showing how the artificial uterus"ARTUS" works. The new product won the "Techtextil Innovation Award" in the "New Application" category in 2015. (© Hohenstein Group)

With effect from 1 May 2017, the Hohenstein Institute has set up a new centre for textile public health as part of its group of companies in Boennigheim. The Hohenstein Health Center will concentrate specifically on medical textiles, i.e. clothing, textile products or processes which affect human health. Prof. Dirk Höferis leading the new centre as Medical Director and Managing Director of Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co KG.

The use of textile products in disease prevention and in maintaining and restoring human health in everyday life - and also for medical, caring and hygiene purposes - has increased greatly in scope and diversity. Consequently, many of the users and other people involved in healthcare do not have the necessary clear, up-to-date and scientifically-based information about the benefits, risks, applications and areas of use of these textiles. Medical textiles in the healthcare sector have been a growth market worldwide for decades, also benefiting small and medium-sized companies producing interesting products, but the framework conditions are going to become much more difficult in future: The changes that will be introduced by the EU Directive on Medical Devices (MDR) which enters into power in 2017 will present new challenges for all textile companies operating in the medical textiles sector. For example, there will be higher specifications for clinical evaluation.

It is against this background that the Hohenstein Health Center will in future be developing and supporting medical expertise on textile products affecting human health, both those that are either already on the market and those due to be launched. It will also be establishing links with the various players in the healthcare sector who deal with this kind of textile, and sharing expertise and new findings within the textile industry and among doctors and consumers. The Hohenstein Health Center will offer specialist medical expertise to support efficient product development, from the initial research concept through to product launch on the market. The main purpose of the new centre will be to support the use of textiles to promote, protect and restore good health.

Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG
74357 Hohenstein


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